What's Causing the delay of the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon?

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And if that happens, I will be leaving and switching to another carrier.

Then you're better off going to a GSM carrier and buying unlocked or go to something small. All the major carriers treat Android like this. Heck only the NEXUS S on Sprint is the only one that has Google Wallet. The Nexus S on Tmobile and AT&T don't.
Why would Verizon even bother getting a phone like this on their carrier? If they were going to be so butthurt about it they should of gotten the SGII. I mean I'm happy they didn't but it makes more sense for Verizon that way it seems.
I wonder if Verizon's contract with ISIS dictates they can't have a competing product on their phones? In this case, this is a three-way battle.
NFC itself has nothing to do with the wireless spectrum or the internet. I think people like to use the Net Neutrality card to make VZW look like the bad guys in cases like this. You're talking about the transmission of data on 13.5Mhz over a MAX of .25M. Nowhere near the 700Mhz spectrum that VZW LTE is on

All of this childish bickering between the companies is getting ridiculous though. I'm sure VZW laid out exactly what they would allow on their network and what they wouldn't. The bottom line is that everyone knew who was getting in bed together so they're ALL to blame.
I say everyone buys the GNex from a retailer and doesn't give VZW the satisfaction of getting the sales.

That won't do a thing to VZW unless you take your service elsewhere (which would mean no GNex for you). I'll say it again, VZW doesn't make money on phones.
Well I was in the mall a few hours ago and decided to stop by the local radio shack. Manager allowed me to hold the nexus in my hand, he said they still don't have a release date and that they were told to hold all of the phones in a secure area in the stock room. He was very highly pissed, I can't believe they are gonna force these companies to sit on these devices for days or weeks without any info just bad form Verizon.

No doubt. They have inventory carrying costs and all. Plus, for the 3rd party stores when someone comes in and asks for the GNex and then leaves disappointed, that likely is a lost sale. Never a good idea to shaft your channel partners like that.
But Net Nuetrality is concerned with a "free" internet, right? When Verizon block apps they are breaking the laws of the agreement. They already blocked wifi tethering apps. When would it stop if not now. Some may not care about using nfc to buy a soda, some may not tether, but ultimately its our choice the consumers not Verizon,ATT, or TMobile.

This is a bs argument anyway by Verizon. They said that Google needed to use specialized hardware for Google Wallet. Well then its already on the phones and they are already in the stores, so what's the point. If the apps not there we can get it from the market, Verizon doesn't run that.

By deduction then there must be something else going on.

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I wonder if Verizon's contract with ISIS dictates they can't have a competing product on their phones? In this case, this is a three-way battle.

Winner winner!

Personally, such a contract would seem to run amok of anti-competition rules. It could actually be Google refusing to allow VZW to install ISIS software. Take a step back and recognize this all sounds eerily similar to the old MS Explorer/Netscape dispute back in the day.

I doubt ISIS could contract such exclusivity with VZW - they certainly can't block 3rd party apps that do the same thing. It probably agreed to install ISIS on all phones, and Google doesn't want any more bloatware on it's experience device. Both have legitimate and valid complaints here, and both are in the wrong.
But Net Nuetrality is concerned with a "free" internet, right? When Verizon block apps they are breaking the laws of the agreement. They already blocked wifi tethering apps. When would it stop if not now. Some may not care about using nfc to buy a soda, some may not tether, but ultimately its our choice the consumers not Verizon,ATT, or TMobile.

This is a bs argument anyway by Verizon. They said that Google needed to use specialized hardware for Google Wallet. Well then its already on the phones and they are already in the stores, so what's the point. If the apps not there we can get it from the market, Verizon doesn't run that.

By deduction then there must be something else going on.

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Absolutely not. VZW isn't blocking any content whatsoever from your phone that is sent through Voice and Data. NFC is the transmission of data from pt.A to pt.B using the 13.5Mhz freq. No data is transmitted over the voice and data freqs.

NFC is along the lines of Bluetooth. You can send a file to your printer via BT and print it with no internet connection needed for the printing. Yes it's different in this case seeing as its required that something needs to be done (especially in the case of Google Wallet) with the data received from pt.A. That data will be used to verify funds and bill the person. That content cant not be blocked because it would require the data to be sent over the wireless spectrum. There is nothing protecting NFC usage itself under FCC regs
If something happens with this phone I'm going to another carrier.

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Once again, the vast majority of users won't be going anywhere and giving up their unlimited data.
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