Install a ROM.Ok I got it up and running. Now how do I make sure that I don't get automatic updates?
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
No problem.
SBF stands for whatever you want it to. In the Motorola world, however, it's a file you flash onto your phone to restore the software to (unless it's a custom-built SBF) stock. You need to know what version of Blur you're running (system software/bootloader) so you can flash it onto your phone. Hacking the X/2/variants isn't quite as straightforward as hacking a D1 or even most HTC phones.
Get it from the source; here:My backups save to /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/
Droid x I have played with and figured they have a lil different file placement setup.
Z4root on is always kept up to date good its free n easy to get from there
<Rooted droid ally>
>> velocity 0.3 <<
>>running turbo4<<
No problem.
SBF stands for whatever you want it to. In the Motorola world, however, it's a file you flash onto your phone to restore the software to (unless it's a custom-built SBF) stock. You need to know what version of Blur you're running (system software/bootloader) so you can flash it onto your phone. Hacking the X/2/variants isn't quite as straightforward as hacking a D1 or even most HTC phones.
I went through your procedure (step 1A) for rooting the DX and have some suggestions. I have 40+ years of experience in computers so I was able to figure it out but I think three things would have made it clearer for a newby.
Not my thread, but I do work on it.
First, when I downloaded rageagainsethecage by clicking on it, it did not end up in the directory /sdcard/download and I couldnt find it...until I did a search and found it in sdcard/tapatakldroidforums_download. Maybe that was unique to my phone?? I moved it to /sdcard/download and then followed the directions.
You downloaded from the DF app and not the browser. The app didn't exist when the method was developed. I'll make a suggestion to the thread's creator, thanks.
Second, I would add the 7th "dotted" procedure, "Exit Astro". Yes maybe one should assume that, but a newby might not assume that and I am a stickler for detail, in programming, where a missed " " can cause problems.
Honestly, if a noob can't figure out to leave Astro before typing into terminal then they probably shouldn't be rooting their phone for any number of reasons.However, I'll make note of that in the message I'll give to the OP.
Third, I would add a step before step #1 (step 0???) "Open Terminal"...same comments as above.
The line before that says to type it into Terminal Emulator; same deal as above.
I only went as far as step #6 because my DX is already rooted but I wanted to test the "road home" if I ever had to do it without z4root.
#7 through #14 look straight enough...lucky for me I program in linux sometimes.
Getting Astro was a great idea. I had a couple of file handling Apps on the phone but they were inadequate for this job, I didnt know about Astro.
Astro is the file manager. Everyone on the Rescue Squad recommends it for every user because it's the best way to access your SD card for non-rooted users, and for rooted users like myself who don't use Root Explorer it's invaluable.
Now can I UNROOT the phone by doing the steps 7-14 in reverse or is there more to it?
Step 2 - Option D(Suggested by Spaz33g) I need to remove root tools from my DX, D2 phone. Although it will not remove all tools that require root to run, it will get you unrooted enough to take an update and be able to root with any method after the update. The reason this has become an issue is that the recent dx update was unrooting users but leaving super user in their system/apps and caused one click methods to fail. (added: 12-21-2010)
Method to remove Superuser, su, and busybox.
- su
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
- rm /system/bin/su
- rm /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- reboot
I am guessing that SBF stands for S<omething> Boot File?
But what is important, where does one get a Stock Motorola SBF to prepare the phone for a return to Verizon if needed be?
No problem.
SBF stands for whatever you want it to. In the Motorola world, however, it's a file you flash onto your phone to restore the software to (unless it's a custom-built SBF) stock. You need to know what version of Blur you're running (system software/bootloader) so you can flash it onto your phone. Hacking the X/2/variants isn't quite as straightforward as hacking a D1 or even most HTC phones.
I went through your procedure (step 1A) for rooting the DX and have some suggestions. I have 40+ years of experience in computers so I was able to figure it out but I think three things would have made it clearer for a newby.
Not my thread, but I do work on it.
First, when I downloaded rageagainsethecage by clicking on it, it did not end up in the directory /sdcard/download and I couldnt find it...until I did a search and found it in sdcard/tapatakldroidforums_download. Maybe that was unique to my phone?? I moved it to /sdcard/download and then followed the directions.
You downloaded from the DF app and not the browser. The app didn't exist when the method was developed. I'll make a suggestion to the thread's creator, thanks.
Second, I would add the 7th "dotted" procedure, "Exit Astro". Yes maybe one should assume that, but a newby might not assume that and I am a stickler for detail, in programming, where a missed " " can cause problems.
Honestly, if a noob can't figure out to leave Astro before typing into terminal then they probably shouldn't be rooting their phone for any number of reasons.However, I'll make note of that in the message I'll give to the OP.
Third, I would add a step before step #1 (step 0???) "Open Terminal"...same comments as above.
The line before that says to type it into Terminal Emulator; same deal as above.
I only went as far as step #6 because my DX is already rooted but I wanted to test the "road home" if I ever had to do it without z4root.
#7 through #14 look straight enough...lucky for me I program in linux sometimes.
Getting Astro was a great idea. I had a couple of file handling Apps on the phone but they were inadequate for this job, I didnt know about Astro.
Astro is the file manager. Everyone on the Rescue Squad recommends it for every user because it's the best way to access your SD card for non-rooted users, and for rooted users like myself who don't use Root Explorer it's invaluable.
Now can I UNROOT the phone by doing the steps 7-14 in reverse or is there more to it?
(Suggested by Spaz33g) I need to remove root tools from my DX, D2 phone. Although it will not remove all tools that require root to run, it will get you unrooted enough to take an update and be able to root with any method after the update. The reason this has become an issue is that the recent dx update was unrooting users but leaving super user in their system/apps and caused one click methods to fail. (added: 12-21-2010)
Method to remove Superuser, su, and busybox.
- su
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
- rm /system/bin/su
- rm /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- reboot
I am guessing that SBF stands for S<omething> Boot File?
But what is important, where does one get a Stock Motorola SBF to prepare the phone for a return to Verizon if needed be?
Some answers in red above.
Your guess is as good as mine as to what SBF stands for. Salami, Bacon and Falafel sandwich is as good an answer as any.Single Binary File, Stupid Broken Fone, whatever.
You can find them all over, but probably the best method is to get the Team Black Hat app in the market and download what you need from there. What you need depends entirely on the system version you're running and the bootloader you have. Rooted users often update and use ROMs for updated (leaked) versions.
Ah, programmers. Tempermental lot. Usually work better with judicious applications of caffeine and Halo.Thanks for all the info.
Yeah, I do tend to be a bit anal when looking through procedures. Too many years supervising programmers.....