You know, that's the first thing I pointed out over at the Droidhive shoutbox when we got our first leak - how lucky we were to be Bionic owners and how good things come to those who wait. Who knows, the thing you speak of may be intentional due to some data they did collect from issues with other devices. Our builds would certainly be less problematic for them simply because we can do what we want without getting stuck. Seems it may be a case of "You know, they're gonna do it whether we condone it or not; why make life more difficult?"
I guess even if someone from Moto spent 5 minutes scouring the forums first thing in the morning while having their coffee, they might be able to drum up enough issues to discuss around the water cooler, and at that point it probably wouldn't hurt to check and see if they are reproduceable or not.
I still find it hard to believe they missed the lapdock issue on the RAZR build, though - you'd think they would have one of those in-house to test with, if for no other reason than because they built the damn thing.
If I were a betting man, and I'm not, I would say the RAZR leak experience maybe influenced the decision for us, as well. I'm willing to give them props for that one even without proof it was intentional.

As for the lapdock issue, I can tell you right now how that happened. The RAZR users were clamoring for an OTA release of ICS, moto promised to deliver in a certain timeframe, they have data on the limited number of lapdock users, and decided to release it knowing it was broken with the idea of pushing out a fix for it within weeks. And they are. It was a calculated move, not an oversight. That's simply my opinion, but, I've been in the game long enough to know that's how these things go.