KD has built his reputation as a scorer, and his scoring titles 3 years in a row doesn't really help him shed that "scorer" label either. He is a great all all-around player (passing, making plays, defense [highly underrated here], etc.) He really is becoming a complete all-around player, but his only weakness still is he settles for jumpshots. The way he asserted himself in the 4th last night to pull out the win, that's leadership and knowing when exactly to take over. I've been a KD fan, but he is on a completely different level than last year, he's matured and the league needs to look out. I knew the series would be good, but I didn't think it was this good.
As much as I hate Lebron, his game is amazing, he really is the total package in terms of being a complete player. He does everything well and makes very smart basketball plays and best of all he's a pass first player. He just lacksthe killer instinct during crunchtime to put the team on his back.
Wade has the killer instinct Lebron doesn't have, that's it. When it's crunchtime Wade gets to the basket in ways that Lebron wish he could. Lebron has shown that instinct in the past (playoffs against the Pistons), but overall he's too passive to really take over during crunch time. He's one of the best closers, but I don't believe he is the best player on the team. He is the best leader on the team, and he's shown that by taking a backseat to Lebron until Lebron defers to him.
I still hate Wade and Lebron though. Whiniest bunch in the NBA, Barkley says and I completely agree. They feel entitled to everything and it's ridiculous, they haven't earned anything.