I know you're a heat fan, and not some wagoner, you've said it and I believe you. I can respect that, but it's just hard to pick out who the real fans are vs the wagoners. And I've dealt with wagoners, I'm from the Bay Area and the Warrior wagon was stronger than ever back in 07, and being a Mavs fan, I got the brunt of it. Hell, there's still some fans who bring up 07, ok buddy, that was 5 years ago...get over it, you haven't been to the playoffs since and since then we've become champs.
I know you're the only one rooting for the heat in here, we're not trying to gang up on ya. I'm just voicing my opinion on how I'm seeing the games and I know you don't agree with some of it (which is fine and expected when talking sports). I seem like a "hater" now because they're the most picked apart team in the NBA, constantly under a microscope. I'll be honest, I never liked the Heat, but I had respect for them especially after our 06 loss to them in the Finals. However, what they've mostly said and done the past 2 seasons has made me lose respect for them, especially Wade, who imo, has become a child ever since teaming up with his buddies (the coughing incident was the final straw for me). Yeah it's nice to see friends playing the game they love together and competing, but since they've join they're a bunch of hypocrites. Talk of sportsmanship, maturity, integrity, etc., they have gone against their own words. Prematurely celebrating by the opponents bench, off court antics in front of the camera, showboating in blowout wins, excessive flopping, and the list goes on for me.
Look I understand the hype and the attention they get (2 of the top 5 players on one team, and their "lacky" is one of the best PF in the league), but the way they've carried themselves draws all the negativity. I mean look at SA, did you ever hear of their big 3 partying, showboating, or promising of championships? No. There's a professionalism of the sport that must be followed, and they've broken that code, imo. As Barkley says, "They a whiny bunch". As talented and skilled as these 3 are, do you really think the league needs the 3 of them to be crybabies? If they carried themselves better, I'd have some respect for them, but ever since they formed their "superteam" they've done nothing to earn any from me.
As to all the "haters". This Heat team was going to win a ring eventually, as much as I hate to say it. They're too talented not to win a ring and considering the series record right now, it seems they'll get it. I'm not giving up on OKC, because if it's any team that can fight back it's this team, but they're their own worst enemy. I won't congratulate the Heat team, but those fans who stuck by their team (and I know there aren't many true heat fans) through those 5 years (pre-superteam) of struggling in the playoffs. I know how it feels to be rooting for a team that seems so successful, but just can't get over that hump of "playoff team vs contender". And if there's one person in the Heat organization I would congratulate, it's Pat Riley. Riley is truly a legend in the league:hail:
You definitely make some valid points and I do agree with you on many of them. I'll always stick by my South Florida teams through the good times and the bad (and true fans like yourself know what I mean), and to tell you the truth, I haven't been very happy with a lot of the Heat players, staff, direction they've taken the team over the past few years either. I miss the Heat team back when Alonzo Mourning was our main star. Zo played with integrity and was a good guy on AND off the court. (to this day he STILL does so much for S.Florida and his community and that's why he'll always be my favorite Heat player) The sad part is, professional sports has been going down hill for the last 10 years or so. (regardless of whether it's the NFL, NBA, NHL, etc) There is no loyalty among players, teams and even fans these days. It's all about the money and reaching "star status", and thats ashame. That's what ruins the game as a whole. You said it all in comment 360...."Equality in sports is diminishing year after year, that goes for every sport (at least the ones I watch)", I couldn't agree more.
So while we don't always see eye to eye on this years Finals, I can and do appreciate your point of view as you make so extremely valid points.