Who thinks this NBA season will be cancled ?

And I bet LeBron wasn't hurt in the final minutes either. He was pretending just to look like a tough guy when he gets back on the court after an injury. Lol

I still can't believe such a terrible team has so many fans. And their big three...embarrassing. No class at all

I really hope okc gets it together to the point where even the referees can't ruin the game

One more game away from home then back home for the last three!!!
And I bet LeBron wasn't hurt in the final minutes either. He was pretending just to look like a tough guy when he gets back on the court after an injury. Lol

I still can't believe such a terrible team has so many fans. And their big three...embarrassing. No class at all
The worst thing they've done this year in the playoffs was complain and I quote Mr. Wade "They tryna be like the Dallas Mavericks". Seriously? You're the ones who celebrated prematurely and ended up losing. You're the ones who looked over at our bench and smirked. You're the ones who were jumping around like you won the championship. Indiana beat you with calls even going your way, take the loss and eat your own words.

Miami is as classless as a team as they come. They are hypocritical, arrogant, self-entitled, and worst of all sore losers. They've never taken a loss graciously. They run along to the postgame conference asap after a win, yet take their time or completely skip it once they lose. Wade and Lebron talk about class and maturity, yet they have none of their own. And if they win it all, the boost to their egos will be off the charts.
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I might stop watching basketball if the horrible referees don't stop or if stern keeps the league this way
alboboy10 said:
I might stop watching basketball if the horrible referees don't stop or if stern keeps the league this way

Stern us addressing flopping over the off season. Says its a serious problem with the game so that's a start. Maybe he can work on officiating as well considering how lopsided the calls get. The kinda refereeing going on in the final minutes of the Finals is ridiculous. Just when okc makes a run and you think they'll retake thhe lead, then comes the whistle. Simply ridiculous and something is definitely going on.

I said it earlier in the season. NBA needs a "challenge play"option like football does. Give each side 2 per half. Some laugh at the idea, I personally think it'd be better for the game.

Galaxy Nexus via Droid Forums
They need to penalize divers too

Sort of like they do with technicals
Really guys? It's not the refs shooting the ball, playing defense, etc. Stop coming up with excuses, other than OKC can't come through when it counts. EVERY one of these games they've had a chance to win but they choke. I understand you hate Miami and that's fine, but accept that your team isn't getting the job done. I've seen bad officiating on both sides so that excuse is getting old.
The saying "haters gonna hate" is really showing through here. :eek:

Really the ref have being playing favorism this whole final. So okc is ****ing because of the frustration of the Calls not going their way. I would be tight too.

Really guys? It's not the refs shooting the ball, playing defense, etc. Stop coming up with excuses, other than OKC can't come through when it counts. EVERY one of these games they've had a chance to win but they choke. I understand you hate Miami and that's fine, but accept that your team isn't getting the job done. I've seen bad officiating on both sides so that excuse is getting old.
The saying "haters gonna hate" is really showing through here. :eek:


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cr6 said:
Really guys? It's not the refs shooting the ball, playing defense, etc. Stop coming up with excuses, other than OKC can't come through when it counts. EVERY one of these games they've had a chance to win but they choke. I understand you hate Miami and that's fine, but accept that your team isn't getting the job done. I've seen bad officiating on both sides so that excuse is getting old.
The saying "haters gonna hate" is really showing through here. :eek:


No...calls have been horrible since the beginning of the year. The heat are soft, watch their plays in slow motion how much they cry and scream. You don't know basketball obviously, last time I checked LeBron was a choker. And okc is the exact opposite.

Ring, no ring, okc was the best team this year. The heat are garbage, until they completely change that team at least.
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I do know of basketball lebron is choking his hot yet okc is doing the same thing at the other hand. If you know anything this final is not played fair i seen to many finals. Im starting to dislike basketball and the refs call.

Judge me that what human do , especially when they don't know another person.

No calls have been horrible since the beginning of the year. The heat are soft, watch their plays in slow motion how much they cry and scream. You don't know basketball obviously, last time I checked LeBron was a choker. And okc is the exact opposite.

Ring, no ring, okc was the best team this year. The heat are garbage, until they completely change that team at least.

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Really guys? It's not the refs shooting the ball, playing defense, etc. Stop coming up with excuses, other than OKC can't come through when it counts. EVERY one of these games they've had a chance to win but they choke. I understand you hate Miami and that's fine, but accept that your team isn't getting the job done. I've seen bad officiating on both sides so that excuse is getting old.
The saying "haters gonna hate" is really showing through here. :eek:

I've said this over and over again, OKC choking is a huge part of it, but if you don't think the refereeing in this series and especially in the closing minutes isn't lopsided you're blind. Lebron is playing out of this world basketball right now and the Heat can still keep it together when he's catching his breath on the bench, but even they know they're getting calls in their favor.

Yes OKC has choked, but they've been cheated multiple times during the runs they make under 5 minutes. Had a couple of those calls been called properly then this series easily could've been 3-1 the other way around. It's the intangibles and missed calls that really push Miami over the edge for a win and OKC for a loss.

And I agree the officiating has been fairly equal until the last minutes of the game, you know when it really counts. OKC has choked on multiple possessions in those closing minutes, but their runs that would swing momentum their way are ended for some bs call. Their biggest enemy is themselves though, their 3rd quarters have been garbage all series, they might as well just stay in the back as that's where their minds seem to be in the 3rd for the first half of it.

OKC is a young team and they've shown it all this series. They have no motivation to attack because of the way the refs call the game. Basketball is as much a psychological game as it is a physical one, and right now, OKC is mentally weak. When Lebron was hurting and OKC was in the bonus, not a single Thunder attacked the basket for some stupid reason. Why? Who knows. I think it's because he realized calls weren't going his way (3 FTs on 32 FGA, really?) no matter how many times he attacked the basket. If Lebron is showing he was hurt and if WB tried to drive, Lebron could easily get the call for a charge if he flopped. Or, because he had the hot hand, maybe he thought he had MJ's jumper all of a sudden. Again who really knows. Point is, this team is showing how young they are by failing to execute and by not sticking to what was working to build their lead or help them regain it (driving to the basket). I've said that OKC is a double edged sword, and so far they've been hurt by their jumpshots in closing minutes when everyone who watches as much basketball as I do knows that you attack the basket if you're in the bonus, especially in games this close in the Finals.

So yes cr6, I do agree with you it's not the refs aren't playing the game, but they are the ones who make the calls. OKC has gotten away with some calls, but even you, as a Miami fan, should see that calls are favored towards your team like it's been all season long. Even an average fan of the game can tell you that some of the things they get away with are fouls. You can go to the statistics and tell me that the amount of fouls and FTs are about even (I've seen them), and that OKC's missed FTs are what hurt them (which it did), but those numbers shouldn't even really be that close. OKC should have more FTs, and especially less fouls as they get called for a ridiculous amount of "phantom fouls".
Good point/comment dezy!

I know you're a heat fan, and not some wagoner, you've said it and I believe you. I can respect that, but it's just hard to pick out who the real fans are vs the wagoners. And I've dealt with wagoners, I'm from the Bay Area and the Warrior wagon was stronger than ever back in 07, and being a Mavs fan, I got the brunt of it. Hell, there's still some fans who bring up 07, ok buddy, that was 5 years ago...get over it, you haven't been to the playoffs since and since then we've become champs.

I know you're the only one rooting for the heat in here, we're not trying to gang up on ya. I'm just voicing my opinion on how I'm seeing the games and I know you don't agree with some of it (which is fine and expected when talking sports). I seem like a "hater" now because they're the most picked apart team in the NBA, constantly under a microscope. I'll be honest, I never liked the Heat, but I had respect for them especially after our 06 loss to them in the Finals. However, what they've mostly said and done the past 2 seasons has made me lose respect for them, especially Wade, who imo, has become a child ever since teaming up with his buddies (the coughing incident was the final straw for me). Yeah it's nice to see friends playing the game they love together and competing, but since they've join they're a bunch of hypocrites. Talk of sportsmanship, maturity, integrity, etc., they have gone against their own words. Prematurely celebrating by the opponents bench, off court antics in front of the camera, showboating in blowout wins, excessive flopping, and the list goes on for me.

Look I understand the hype and the attention they get (2 of the top 5 players on one team, and their "lacky" is one of the best PF in the league), but the way they've carried themselves draws all the negativity. I mean look at SA, did you ever hear of their big 3 partying, showboating, or promising of championships? No. There's a professionalism of the sport that must be followed, and they've broken that code, imo. As Barkley says, "They a whiny bunch". As talented and skilled as these 3 are, do you really think the league needs the 3 of them to be crybabies? If they carried themselves better, I'd have some respect for them, but ever since they formed their "superteam" they've done nothing to earn any from me.

As to all the "haters". This Heat team was going to win a ring eventually, as much as I hate to say it. They're too talented not to win a ring and considering the series record right now, it seems they'll get it. I'm not giving up on OKC, because if it's any team that can fight back it's this team, but they're their own worst enemy. I won't congratulate the Heat team, but those fans who stuck by their team (and I know there aren't many true heat fans) through those 5 years (pre-superteam) of struggling in the playoffs. I know how it feels to be rooting for a team that seems so successful, but just can't get over that hump of "playoff team vs contender". And if there's one person in the Heat organization I would congratulate, it's Pat Riley. Riley is truly a legend in the league:hail:
@dezy. You are making good points. Many credible others pure speculation. While acknowledging OKCs self destruction in one sentence you phsyco-analyze anx rationalize it in another. The only thing that is fact is they are shooting well below there normal percentages in every facet of the game. They are committing ridiculous mental errors. Key role players and stars are erratic. Why is this implosion not a result of the obvious; OKCs youth has caught up with them?

As far as favorable calls. I don't see it, but it's irrelevant because good teams overcome it especially when facing stars. See dallas. Are all the people talking about calls willing to strip Jordan of his 6? Greg Maddux of his cy youngs - that guys plate was 12 inches wider. Gretzky couldn't get sneezed on. Tom Brady is not allowed to be touched by anyone except Giants. They actually changed rules so he could feel comfortable.
Why the sudden expectations for equality?

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@dezy. You are making good points. Many credible others pure speculation. While acknowledging OKCs self destruction in one sentence you phsyco-analyze anx rationalize it in another. The only thing that is fact is they are shooting well below there normal percentages in every facet of the game. They are committing ridiculous mental errors. Key role players and stars are erratic. Why is this implosion not a result of the obvious; OKCs youth has caught up with them?

As far as favorable calls. I don't see it, but it's irrelevant because good teams overcome it especially when facing stars. See dallas. Are all the people talking about calls willing to strip Jordan of his 6? Greg Maddux of his cy youngs - that guys plate was 12 inches wider. Gretzky couldn't get sneezed on. Tom Brady is not allowed to be touched by anyone except Giants. They actually changed rules so he could feel comfortable.
Why the sudden expectations for equality?

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Great points. However, I am also taking the perspective of being a fan of OKC. They're a team I really like, much like the Spurs (as crazy as that sounds). So yes, my opinions have bias in them, and I am definitely not afraid to admit that, therefore I try to rationalize them. Do I overthink what I see? Probably, I'm that kind of person. They are underperforming, that's a fact, but again takes me to the psychological part of the game. The ridiculous mental errors are expected of such a young team, but it's the calls that they don't get (which are obvious) that I think really mess with their heads, which of course lead to more errors.

As for favorable calls, I don't think it's irrelevant at all. Go back to game 2, yeah OKC put themselves in a hole early, but they're pretty experienced in doing so and making a comeback. Lebron obviously fouled KD, twice and didn't get called. He then fouled WB on the rebound, again not called. It's plays like that in one possession games that really effect the rest of the series, especially the mentality of a team so young. I mean if they're not getting those calls in their own arena, what makes you think it'll be better at Miami's? For 43 minutes the calls are fairly even, it's the last 5 minutes of each game that absolutely sucks the confidence out of OKC. I might be interpreting this wrong, but are you saying OKC is not a good team? Does their Finals appearance in only 5 years of the franchise not validate them as a good team? Does their 4 game streak against the heavily favored Spurs not validate them as a good team? They're a great team, a contender, but in the Finals they're only playing as a "good team". They're playing far from the level they've played all season and it's definitely showing. Can they still comeback? It'd be one helluva comeback, but I wouldn't exactly count them out yet, especially since the games have been so close. For as bad as OKC is playing, you would think Miami would blow them out right?

Equality in sports is diminishing year after year, that goes for every sport (at least the ones I watch). Superstars will get their calls, but that goes back to favoritism. Michael Vick gets hammered every game with hits that would be flags for Brady. Sure different style of play, but same position, you can't be going after Vick's knees like you do Brady's or else here comes a fine!
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