I was giving an example...cause to theme UI stuff you do.
And yeah, most people think widgets are the most important thing on earth for some reason....but hey, if thats whats important to you...good for you. But thats probably one of the biggest differences (stock to stock) is more flexibility with your homescreen and being able to add widgets. Big deal.
PS- Live wallpapers, blah....9/10 makes the phone run like crap anyways. But if you really want to, can run them too on the iphone.
PPS- Im not an iphone fanatic, but I do like both alot. Just dont understand the hate some people have, its really kinda stupid and useless. Who cares.
Ive owned 4 droids...along with a few iphones.
Yep, I LOVE widgets. Little programs that do some of the functionality without having to open up a full fledged program. Definitely useful. And as I explained, I used an iPhone for almost a month to try and give it a chance, and it was miserable. So there's my real world usage and not just bias.
Finally, again, for what I enjoy and like to do, I don't have to root, but for that same stock functionality, you do on the iPhone. CHOICES is the main difference still in my book. You just have way less on the iPhone and it's still playing catchup. I didn't say it did everything bad. I simply said it did some things ok, but I can do it all and more of what I like to do on Android. Oh yeah, and I get a choice of phones and carriers. C-H-O-I-C-E!