JB, are you a little more curious now about the 4G deal after this delay stuff? I'd be pretty tempted to jump in the car and head for 4G territory to see what happens with the phone! :icon_eek:
Reports are coming in that with normal use and the 4G turned on, testers are seeing the battery drain by 1 PM after having been turned on at 8 AM. 5 hours!
HTC is pumping out updates to test units pretty much daily. Still no go...
People can choose to believe it's the network, or unfinished tiered pricing plans or iPads and iPhones. This launch was ground to a halt over a serious problem.
Considering I have to give the phone back sooner than I would have thought, I am more inclined to go to my closest LTE area and see for myself what the phone does/does not do on the network.
Now what's what I am talking about