So, just did a factory reset of the phone. No "native" SWYPE is installed, so you will have to do a beta install or use SlideIT.
Also, the phone storage now shows 2.49GB of internal storage space left, 29.71GB on the SD Card (which was formatted).
Hey, first of all I'd like to thank you for all the help you're giving everyone here, and it's really cool you have this phone before anybody lol I'm dying to get my hands on it.
My gf just got the inspire 4G for ATT and I gotta say, now I know what everybody means by SENSE is far better than motoblur. Even with all the different launchers, it's two different worlds. And her internet is so much smoother than mine, and the camera is amazing. The battery though, ehhh no comparison.
But as I was playing with her phone I noticed TWO things that bothered me. One, her internal memory is supposed to be 4GB and when I checked it showed she had 1.05GB left. I know a bit is supposed to be missing cause of all the preinstalled crapware, but 3 GIGS of memory??!! She went to the store to ask why it was so low and they told her it was cause the operating system of the inspire takes up a large portion of her memory or something like that, they fed her crap I'm assuming. I googled this, and apparently it's true that only 1GB is usable on the inspire so it wasn't just her phone. Now, since the TB and inspire are very similar (operating system wise at least) does the thunderbolt have the same problem? My motorola has 8GB preinstalled, and after all the things I've stored in it I still have over 5GB left. Is the TB's internal memory all usable? (u just mentioned u have 2.49 left) is that because you loaded ur phone up with apps and pics and stuff? Or did it come with that much?
ALSO, I tried to install beta SWYPE on her phone, and it said that her phone did not allow things out of the market to be installed on it. I checked around and there's an option in settings where u can disable this, but on the inspire u have to download a couple extra things u can't just uncheck the option like in the X to download things out of the market....did u have a problem downloading swype? Or was it just, download, install...done.
Sorry for writing so much btw. But I fell in love with sense.
P.S. Even though the inspire has less pixels than my phone, and the same dimensions on the screen, her phone looks more crisp. I'm assuming the TB looks nicer as well.