Calling all D2 Devs: D2G is very close to running Full D2 Roms But I Need Some Help


Premium Member
Premium Member
Dec 20, 2009
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As many of you already know, Team get~R~Done has been working for some time on getting D2 Roms to run on the D2G. I have never been a developer per se, but was somehow able to figure out how to get D2 Roms running. So far they run very stable, most features work but a couple don't.

The biggest issue I face now is a soft reset on sleep. I'm not sure what is the actual cause, but when I disable the file, the reset stops and the phone runs fine. This isn't ideal as now we have no sensors. Overall, the experience is not bad, our hardware keyboard will switch the view to landscape when necessary, but without sensors there are no keyboard lights, tilt based games don't work, etc.

The conversion process uses all of the D2G /lib files except and, when I use those files with D2 frameworks, I get bootanimation bootloop.

It also uses /bin /etc and /usr files from D2G that are different from D2 files.

I've noticed that D2 roms have, D2G does not have a gestures file.

So my guesses as to why it soft resets:

D2G hardware sensors are mounted at different points as compared to D2. Is it possible that a framework refers to the wrong mount point?

Maybe D2G kernel doesn't like the way D2 frameworks interface with D2G sensors.

Maybe the frameworks refer to the gestures file that we don't have.

Maybe the two lib files mentioned above have something to do with it.

Maybe, sleeping triggers something to do with GSM and D2 frameworks don't like that. (Now I'm clearly just spittballing).

Does anybody with more knowledge than myself have any ideas?
If anyone has any help, you can see some of the ideas/work/logs here:

If you need more logs or testers, just let us know. Verizon is no longer selling the D2, so there is a growing number of D2G users just itching to get some of the REALLY nice work you all have done on the D2 onto their D2G.

I have been doing my best to help figure out the problem with Buryboi and a few others, but its not very easy to pinpoint since I am not a strong Android Dev yet... Thats why we need you!