The link does work now, but here is what it says,
**UPDATE**03/24/2010 - 2:24PM -PST
Apparently Verizon is not releasing any updates for the Android 2.1 Platform NOR do they have any information on it. According to Verizon, they said that they are not the ones that are pushing out the update and that Google was the ones that are working on releasing this long awaited update. Google still has not let Verizon in on any ETA's or anything of that sort. So i guess all we can do is just sit tight and hope that Google finishes soon!
Sorry. I do not believe it. How come motorola pushes the updates for milestones but the droids are pushed by Google?
sounds fishy.
This is one big pile of bull****. all of it.
Many Blitzburgh... What's up with you the past few days? I used to get all my optimism from you! Now who is going to keep me positive?
BTW I fell victim to my urges and fell off the stock wagon...