So an interesting story from last night. I stopped by the local Verizon store because when I purchased my phone, I decided I'd buy their overpriced screen protectors just so that I could have someone else put it on (was naive to the fact that other places do this as well). Well, I went to replace my original one today and realized that my package was empty and the punk had used all 3 protectors to get it right and didn't reimburse me.
Well, I walked in to get this solved (which they graciously did) and decided to play around with the clerk because he mentioned he had a droid too and tried to impress me about this update coming out. I went ahead and showed him mine with the newest Ultimate Droid on it. He laughed, and we started going more in-depth about the ota update.
I asked him about the new screens and their lack of making the update and he was puzzled. He proceeded to walk into the back, bring out and already running Droid with the new music widget on the main page then scrolled through plenty of pages with the neural live wallpaper installed.
This could mean multiple things:
1) It does have the screens you yearn for.
2) He decided to hand me a droid that was custom flashed.
At the time I just assumed that the new home will have more screens. I was going to come on here and be one of those guys who proclaims they have awesome news (and if you look at my history I'm usually the one mocking them). Unfortunately the skeptic in me wonders if he had just rooted his own personal droid. I never checked out the system specs or anything more on the phone other than the brief time I saw it. After reflecting upon it even more, I have to believe it was rooted. Would be strange for Verizon to not market such an addition.
As for all the "stfu rooters" comments, unfortunately that is what you are going to run into in any tech forums. This will particularly be true for you Droid users, as Motorola has a great history of having poor stock phones but a massive, amazing following of home developers who make their products great. Now I'm getting all nostalgic for my old Razr's again.