I'm still having a hard time understanding how Verizon handled this poorly. They posted a PDF that listed the features of the update. There is also a link to the instructions on how the update will happen and what to expect, how to, etc. You'll notice that that link points to screen shots from the 2.0.1 update. So basically, nothing new with the process.
The deployment schedule was LEAKED from a screen shot off an internal Verizon system that is not meant for customers. Why is is not meant for customers? Because if the date needs to change, the whole world isn't screaming that Verizon LIED. The person who leaked that photo had to sign a very detailed code of business conduct when they started working for VZ. The leaking of the photo of Verizon internal information is grounds for IMMEDIATE termination. So, if you want to be pissed at someone, be pissed at the kid who thought it would be cool to leak internal documents to the public.
For those of you who work at the local convenience store, I can understand that you might not get it. But anyone who works in IT, and in a large corporate environment should be able to easily recognize that leaking screen shots of internal info is NOT acceptable.
It's nice we got the info about the 18th, but I have not seen anywhere that Verizon had placed that info on a CUSTOMER FACING website.
Like I said, if you want to be pissed off, be pissed off at the kid who will be without a job soon enough.