Since we have not seen 2.1 yet, I will believe we are getting it when I see the "update" prompt on my phone. Until then, it's like it doesn't exist.
I would like to believe the 3rd week of this month, but, nah..... I was at a VZW store a week ago to replace my Droid and the "Droid Expert" at their store had no idea when 2.1 was coming. That is probably the most accurate thing yet from a VZW employee.
So, yeah... wake me when it gets here..
Wow, really?
I'm sorry but, every VZW Store employee I have talked to has had
little to no info on updates for the Droid. The last time I asked was the night before the 2.01 updates started rolling out.
I would venture to say that they are given ZERO information on mobile OS updates. They barely get any info on the new phones that are coming in.
While I agree with the 'lets just wait and see' attitude, I wouldn't get too wrapped up in the words of the 'droid expert' you talked to.