THANK YOU SARGENTMAJORD. Moto_Fail worked!! My Bionic is indeed re-rooted. u r d man
Hi Forum Members.
Thank you to Sargentmajord for your advice in re-rooting my rooted Droid Bionic.
On February 12th, or 13th, I posed a question on this forum.
I have a Droid Bionic. I had pretty much given up on getting the .902 update from Motorola. I did receive the .886 to .894 OTA while rooted with Petes. I lost root of course in that I wasn't rooted with forever root. I found a re-root in this forum to re-root after taking the .894 update.
I bought a Droid Razr Maxx. The day I turned it on, right away, I received an OTA to the Maxx (not yet rooted). I then wifi'd my Razr to the Bionic only to discover a .902 update was there. I then took the update (while wifi tethered to the Razr) on the Bionic and then of course, lost root again.
Once again, I came with my a*% in hand begging for help. Sargentmajord answered my question and even took the time to post a few more reply's as I asked additional questions.
For a few day's, I hesitated because I was fearful I might brick the phone (I paid full retail for the Bionic so I wouldn't have to endure another contract with Verizon). But in the end, Sargenmajord convinced me that I would be fine to take the update. So with that advice, I downloaded the Motorola drivers, pinned the USB cord to the Bionic, and hit the "Press to continue" command in the Moto_fail exploit. Botta bing, botta bang...,
I am now once again rooted!!! It took six minutes and two reboots.
In another forum, Sargentmajord asked for others of us to help him help others who are trying to figure out how to do things like this. So in that spirit, if any of you have issues trying to re-root your bionic having lost root, I will do what I can to step you through it.
Folks, these forums are priceless!
Thank you Sargentmajord and thanks to rck76 and jbroomwho wrote the script for Moto_fail. IT WORKS!
***Below is a copy of the post that led to my successful rooting of my Bionic***
[h=2]Do I have to Unroot before using Sargentmajord's exploit to regain root after OTA.902[/h]
Hi folks! Just when I gave up on my Droid Bionic, I connected via the Razr wifi and discovered I had .902 update waiting on me. I unfroze any frozen apps with TiBackup and installed the .902 update. Of course I lost root. I was not rooted with forever root. I was rooted with Petes before the .886 update to .894. I found an exploit that allowed me to regain root. Then, I installed the .902 update and again lost root. I was not Cheesecaked.
I noticed the following in a Sticky Note a few minutes ago:
".902 rooting exploit" For those that are on .902 an lost root with the help of rck76 and jbroom we have found a rooting exploit for the .902 update we take no credit for this exploit so enjoy. you can download it here http://www.***********/zip/0Gpdc25p/motofail_windows.html
I downloaded the above mentioned file. I also downloaded from Motorola the Motorola Driver Manager (my guess is that is where the drivers are installed for the Bionic and other Motorola smart phones).
My question is this: do I have to unroot my root that no longer is working or can I just download and install the above mentioned exploit? I am currently at .902 and so far the phone appears to be working fine (as toggled via wifi from my Razr Maxx).