Hi Jack,
I reinstalled and tried out CM7, with Data working now,
There are some issues with CM7
1.I found that the USB tethering not working on my Droid Pro with CM7. I am running Ubuntu on computer, and nothing happen if I turned on the USB tethering on CM7. Anyone can use USB Tethering? Can you suggest any Tethering App from the market which can help tether for now?
2. seems USB can't connected as "Tools and Portal" Mode properly, same as "Charging Only mode", as I guess this is the reason why USB tethering not working?
3. I tried FC during Airplane mode switching On and Off, but after reboot, it resumed to normal.
4. USB debug mode is notified as turned on (on the status bar) if turning on the phone with USB connected, but on setting page, it wasnt marked as turned off. So I don't know if it is really turned on or not.