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I know,I have tried to reload a older backup and still to no avail,maybe jackpotclavin will get it on his next fix,in the meantime when I get Voicemail I will have to do a clockwork to the official GB backup and then go back to CM afterwards,thanks
I was having the double beep too. You have to go into settings, and call settings, and disable 'audible tones' or whatever. It's also under CM settings. Pick one and disable it.
hey i tried installing the cm7 with
i fisrt sbf to 2.26 then upgraded to 4.6.8 by official updates and then to
but as soon as i start the phone i get many fc's and then my camera doesnt work
the data switching also doesnt work i have to reboot to switch between data connections
the wifi is getting connected to a network but can access the internet dont know why
please help me on these issues last query will changing into cm7 make my ussd codes work.they did not work for me but are they supposed to ???
I was having the double beep too. You have to go into settings, and call settings, and disable 'audible tones' or whatever. It's also under CM settings. Pick one and disable it.
Hey Jack!
What do you think if I run your 1024 with motorola recovery, after renaming your file in, with my European droid pro with froyo?
Thank you!
Just installed the 1024 on my Droid Pro. Everything went smooth and seems to work perfectly except for the widgets: how come i can't add widget from all the apps that i installed? (for example the weather channel, agenda widget) when i long press on the home screen and then click on Widgets i don't see the widget for most of my apps. Is there anything i can do?
Solved: forgive my ignorance, i didn't notice that i was storing all the apps in the sd card, so it wasn't possible to create widgets. now i moved the apps on the internal memory and i'm allowed to create widgets
i have been having tons of trouble with data. i'll have it for a while, then i won't touch my phone for an hour or so and then when i go back to it, it's gone.
i've tried everything, any suggestions jackpot?
i have been having tons of trouble with data. i'll have it for a while, then i won't touch my phone for an hour or so and then when i go back to it, it's gone.
i've tried everything, any suggestions jackpot?
I thought once its installed it can just be updated by installing the new .zip...I guess I was wrong!So how would I go about installing? I'm gonna havta do a full wipe?