Great work again...runs super smooth! One issue I have encountered w/ this ROM is that I can no longer access the diagnostics menu (the one accessed by dialing ##PROGRAM). When I dial ##PROGRAM instead of prompting me for the password my phone tries to dial out and connect to the literal "##PROGRAM" number. Of course the call is intercepted by a verizon automated error message. Has anybody else encountered this behavior?
This is a normal occurrence on most any source built ROM. Simply Stunning has the issue also. The hidden programming menu is a Moto proprietary file/app and is not part of any source built ROM. The only source built I've ever seen it work on it Koush's builds of his 2.1 ROMs.
The reason it worked originally was because the ROMs were built off the leaked SBF file which obviously has the menu, kinda the same reason why the feature works on Pete's BB builds. FYI there is a thread in Chevyno1's ROM section discussing it as he is trying to look into how to get it to be part of source built ROMs.
Is there a manual workaround that anybody knows about to re-enable this function of getting back into the hidden menu using ##PROGRAM or is there some other way like some file I can vi into to manually edit the baseband parameters?
Not that I am aware of. The app/file needs to be on the device itself to be able to make changes to the radio from the ##PROGRAM menu. So until it gets found and added back to custom source built ROMs I highly doubt there is anyways to edit anything in the radio settings.
As I mentioned the only source built I've seen it in is Koush's 2.1 builds. So the fastest way to find somethign out would be to get on his IRC channel and ask for some help so that Jrummy,Chevyno1....etc who build source ROMs could be able to get it back as part of there stuff. I'm no dev what so ever just have contacts at Moto who I get inside info/detail from at times when there are issues. And I pass the word along to assist everyone.