Seriously though~ back on topic, maybe this has been done to death and discussed to death, but I don't like any idea that makes rooted users seem ****ing special or criminal or any of these ideologies to make companies happy.
My phone.
Mine. I bought it. Just like my computer, my car~ mine. Network, theirs~ totally their call. Do whatever the hell you want with it. Cap me, slow me down~ whatever, be total cretins when it comes to your network all day.
Rooting? MY perogative. I do what I want with it. Don't want me on your network cuz I rooted? Totally your call~ but don't you dare stop me from doing it on MY device. Maybe I WANT a Wifi only Bionic. Surprise! Mine. Not yours Verizon.
You're already charging the most of any carrier for your data plan. A ridiculously slow wireless network most people have to pay 50 dollars in addition to the 60 dollars you're charging just for the privilege of using their phone, as a phone. This is the cheapest option as well.
This tethered data, is the EXACT same data that is going through my phone. The same. No different. It literally makes NO difference or even taxes Verizon any more to have that data pop up on my 12" netbook or my 3.7" Droid 2 screen. The phone works like a phone. It does what it does, however it does with data I already paid for. Exorbitantly. Even if I had three or four other users on it, the phone will still provide data the same way it always has been able to.
If data use is their concern, like I said~ cap it, slow me down~ allot me bandwidth. Whatever~ but I'm not going to pay more money for data I already paid for. No, I'm not~ it's like charging me money for utensils at a restaurant to eat the food I already ordered. I will switch to whatever carrier doesn't lock me logically, or ethically from devices and services that I am owed based on the money I've already provided.
No~ and I won't have a policy, by a white knight hacker that wants good with a corporation that steals from its consumers under the pretense of justice~ that labels a community that is pushing this platform forward~ that make villains out of developers that have made Android what it is today.
My phone. Their network. They can meet halfway with us when they have better competition and feel the pinch as we give them the finger.