Show me where it says that?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
So you didn't read it when you signed it, and now you want someone to find it for you? Come on man...put some work in...
Show me where it says that?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Sorry im a bit busy right now, trying to get a lot done. I believe that it says that, I'd just like to see how its phrased. I just don't have time to go look for it myself.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Im not saying I did not agree (I did) or that I didn't read it (I didnt, but for arguments sake how many people do read it?). I know what we see when we read "manufacturers specifications" but I want to know what VZW implies with it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
czerdrill, you should have a macro of that on your desktop. It may come in handy. Or just bookmark it.
Im not saying I did not agree (I did) or that I didn't read it (I didnt, but for arguments sake how many people do read it?). I know what we see when we read "manufacturers specifications" but I want to know what VZW implies with it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
What is this the NFL's CBA...Shareholders from Verizon, Sprint, etc make $20mil a year...I hope I put 500GB a month on my Thunderbolt for what they charge...i dont care bout them just like they don't care about me... i give them almost $150 a month for the basics...
I don't recall talking about class action lawsuits or saying it wasn't fair, or demanding policy changes..
{{ WugFresh }}
What is this the NFL's CBA...Shareholders from Verizon, Sprint, etc make $20mil a year...I hope I put 500GB a month on my Thunderbolt for what they charge...i dont care bout them just like they don't care about me... i give them almost $150 a month for the basics...
I don't recall talking about class action lawsuits or saying it wasn't fair, or demanding policy changes..
{{ WugFresh }}
I don't recall saying it was you. However, if you're denying that people have said those things, then I don't know what to tell you. My statement wasn't an attack on you, it was a general statement about why the emotional beliefs of phone owners does not trump legality.
Which would cover tethering but not rooting. Rooting only affects the phone directly.
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Except for that little section of the TOS that you agreed to that states the phone must remain at manufacturers specs to be used on their network. And before you start telling me how wrong, immoral or (insert your word or phrase here) that is, that is all irrelavent. Why? Because you AGREED to it!
The phones are subsidized by us, not by some secret government stimulus fund. We own the phones and have every right to root it.
I believe the phones are subsidized by the Carriers, and to some extent, by the Manufacturers (and bloatware companies?)
Im not saying I did not agree (I did) or that I didn't read it (I didnt, but for arguments sake how many people do read it?). I know what we see when we read "manufacturers specifications" but I want to know what VZW implies with it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
You buy the phone as is, and if you modify it from it's specifications (anything from overclocking, to rooting, to adding more memory if you could) gives them the right to deny you service and void your warranty