ok, im tired of waiting for the ota, i want to update but i dont know how to get the file on my phone, i downloaded it onto my computer but the file isnt named update.zip.
can someone tell me step by step how to do this, please?
1) Change the name to update.zip.
2) Connect your computer to your phone.
3) Press the USB on the notification and select "Mount"
4) Put it on your sd card. Not in any particular folder, just on to the card.
5) Turn your phone off.
6) Boot into recovery (Hold Power + X).
7) Wait for a triangle with exclamation point to appear and release Power and X.
8) Hit the volume up and camera button (half-way down) at the same time.
9) Using the D-Pad select “apply update.zip” and press in the gold button on the D-Pad.
10) Your phone will now run the update.
11) When it finishes, use th D-Pad to select reboot phone.
12) Your phone will reboot with Android 2.2.