Well if you're still running UD v6.0 w/P3's 1.0GHz kernel, then you're disqualified from this thread....lol ... As I've said, that's how my Droid usually runs using the other two ROMs, Sapphire v1.0 & BB v0.4, but for some reason UD runs hot on any kernel...One other thing that I encountered was that the P3Droid kernels I've tried all have issues with my bootanimation and jump kinda high in CPU temps after a while of higher loads... are you guys getting those kernels from his site?
this is really weird im having a freezing cold issue with my phone haha 22c and full load 40c my room temp is 75degree's
Am going to reflash the ROM and redo...
sorry i havent updated it yet im running ud 7.0 and p3's 1ghz 250-1000ghz kernal