Things are slow/chunky after 2.1 OTA...
Impressed by new updates... NOT impressed with performance....
I've had my phone since the day it became available. I've also been trolling the droidforums for support on different issues / thoughts I have had along the way. (great tool!).
Anyways... I was one of the guys that couldn't wait for the OTA so I did a manual install (I verified later that versions, firmware etc. were exactly the same as an OTA droid). So for roughly 1 week I was sitting on 2.1-update1...
I liked all the features that 2.1 provided. However... I began to notice odd things happening:
-weird phone call related issues
-screen lock ups
-over all performance diminished.
Make note Im pretty anal about what apps are running, and I constantly kill tasks, almost like OCD.
It sent me over the edge with my phone a little bit, I am pretty picky and this just was not an efficient phone anymore... for my standards.
So, I decided to slam Bugless Beast 0.9 rom on it + Helix Launcher2 + ChevyNo1's low voltage 1Ghz overclock kernel + Adamz Smoked Glass Theme + SetCPU app (for overclock profiling so that when the phone is in standby for example, it will downclock the speed to save battery, etc), also renamed the default homescreen launcher so that Helix Launcher2 was the only homescreen app running on boot.
I disabled things like Ads across apps and web pages, (yay no more junk!), the camera sound when you take a picture, removed the corporate calendar, etc. All things to help efficiency of the phone and to minimize tasks. These are called "scripts" that are pre made which you can run to optimize your phone to meet your needs.
I started last Saturday at about 8:00pm and was done around 1:30am. I took my sweet time. The next day I showed a co-worker what I had done, he was just like WOW. So I had to do it to his that following night, which only took me about 45 minutes since I was familiar with everything.
Now... my phone is a Bugless Beast, its a new darn phone! I stood next to an iphone user the other day and we had a open our browser war. I already had a google search in progress before he could be like "WTF?"
I used these threads to get it done: (Peter Alfonso's post on Bugless Beast. Great Mod! Thanks Pete! Donation soon.) (Matth3w provides the instructions that I used to piece together my modded phone. If you read verbatim his directions, you will not fail, Thanks Matth3w) (This is so you can go back to stock 2.0.1 if you need to for whatever reason and get the OTAs. / You also need this to root your phone since the current hack / exploit to get SU / Super user is based on 2.0.1, Thanks Ikithme)
Oh one more thing, if you want, you can just use the last link there and go back to 2.0.1, if you do use this method to just go back previous to 2.1-update1, please be careful and take your time with it, following the directions step by step. Don't panic if you have a problem, check here on the forums, help is there. Make note that during activation ( you have to do this if you go back to stock ) make sure you have 3 bars consistently at least. I tried to activate with 2 bars and it kept being unsuccessful. 3 bars did the trick.
*I chose Bugless Beast mod only because it sounded cool. It actually is stable as heck, I haven't had any issues. There are many other mods out there, BB was just my choice.
And so that is it in a nutshell (not really I just talked everyone's ears off, sorry.)
*Sorry Moderators if this post isn't really for this forum. I just felt like letting people know who are wondering WTF?! with 2.1-update1 what options they do have available, that do actually provide stable performance enhancements.