At some point, logic would tell us that if VZW gets an iphone, that eventually we'd have a 4G iPhone. Do 4G android devices outsell a 4G iPhone? Or does iOS take the lead again? If not, why? What would make someone choose a 4G android device over a 4G Iphone? I can't think of anything, can you? Don't mention openness because again, the people who actually root, edit their systems, overclock, theme or do anything else that takes advantage of this "openness" are an insignificant number of users. Plus with all the locking down that's being done, android is going to just become "open" by name and not by function.
They don't have to alter any LTE campaign. Why would they? They've spent money on it. But to say that they're not going to have a ridiculous campaign for a VZW iPhone is just plain denial. They advertise their Droid line as the best thing since sliced bread. You really think they're not going to go above and beyond that with an iPhone? That it'll be advertised but not more so then the Droid line? Seriously, do you really think that? Don't worry their LTE campaign is safe. It's not going to disappear and Big Red is not going to sit in a board room and lament about the millions they wasted on it.
Sure, VZW will eventually get a 4G IPhone. But Android has other advantages, "open" doesn't just refer to rooting. Some people love widgets. Some people love alternate home launchers and customizing their layout. Like I said, these phones are becoming commodities. I don't see IPhone as superior to Android at all, and vice versa. It's going to ultimately be one of a strong line-up of phones.
Sure, they'll market IPhone just like anything else. But you're ignoring how much more Android needed. VZW had to basically create the Android market in the US. Everyone knows what an IPhone is. Everyone is going to know VZW has the IPhone. They're going to differentiate themselves from other CARRIERS by marketing the beejezus out of LTE. I mean, what do you see Sprint doing in their commercials? They piggyback off of VZW's android marketing and promote their 4G.
I realize this may be hard for you to grasp, but MOST of the population is not enamored with Apple & IPhone - millions of customers out there on VZW and AT&T with no smartphone. Many of them would be indifferent and most will shop on specs and price (again, just look at Mac's % of the market). That VZW is going to push Android or LTE aside is ridiculous. They're not going to ignore that huge segment of people at risk of going to Sprint or AT&T or someone else, or sitting on the fence hemming and hawing over whether they need a smartphone (that's where LTE is going to grow the market exponentially). Sprint, in particular, has a headstart with 4G and VZW has lost customers to that.