i cant disagree with that, and choice is the reason i chose android an will remain with android forever. but i just dont see the average consumer caring about such things when its "vs the iphone". but again, we'll have to see. the damn phone has not even been announced yet and i've been arguing back and forth for the past 3 days haha...the only thing we can do is wait and see.
i do have a question though...why do people continue to say that it's going to be the same device no matter what? i'm not trying to be stupid, i'm asking because i truly just dont understand. has apple stated that the iphone "will never have a bigger screen" or will "never have a front facing camera" or will "never have an HDMI out"? Further, if the iphone comes to verizon there is no doubt at all that it'll be 4g capable eventually
i mean the ipod touch has a front facing camera...why can't the iphone get that one day? i don't get how people are just blindly assuming that the iphone is NEVER going to have any of these things? where are you getting that from? Seriously, if there is somewhere I'd like to read it, because I honestly wasn't aware that apple said they will never add features to the iphone hardware-wise.
like i said no one knows anything about the iphone on vzw. whether its coming, what it'll be like, whether it has any extra hardware or features, so where exactly are you getting this information from? assumptions i assume? odd, to try to pass off assumptions as knowledge, no? but again, just show me a link about apple discussing the iphone on vzw and how it will not have any improved hardware, and i'll shut up quick i promise.
Apple will NEVER release multiple hardware revisions. Sure the antenna will be CDMA but that's it. It will be identical in every way, shape and form to the existing phone. Not only that they won't release it mid-cycle. If you believe it is coming in 2011 then it will come the same time it comes to AT&T. This is how Apple works and keeps continuity in their product. There won't be different iPhones with different screen sizes or different features across carriers. They will be identical aside from the antenna used.
i've highlighted above my original question. where are you getting the info to say it with such conviction that they'll NEVER release hardware revisions. I'm not saying they'll have 45 different phones running iOS. I'm saying how do you know that they won't change the hardware on the iphone and release it as an iphone. Not the iPhone incredible, or the iPhone X. or the iPhone Aria haha...just an iphone. Where have they said they will NEVER do this. Again, I'm not being stupid, I'm just curious. They haven't done it yet, but where have they said they'll never do it. Provide me a link. If you don't have one, and if you're not a senior official at Apple, then you're just assuming, and that means nothing. Or should I say NOTHING?