New Member
I have been fussing with VZW via email regarding the "NO DATA CONNECTION". I told them I didn't want a Razr because I am afraid it has similar problems as the Bionic (Motorola). Told them I hear the ReZound has a good radio - I want a Rezound. They aren't going there. Offered me a Charge. I like the Charge OK but why should I go backwards? How long has the RZ been out? This is pretty ridiculous. For the price, the Bionic should do what they said it would.
I went with the RZR based on other peoples experiences... I see countless complaints in this forum alone about the Bionics data dillema, and next to nothing about the rzr. I was offered a charge as well, and thought the EXACT same thing. Why the fluf should I go backwards!
Bob, I agree 110%....for what the Bionic cost us, it should perform flawlessly, or dang close at least!