What are some of the tricks to stop the data drops?
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
There are none some guys are saying Factory reset but I cant see that being long term. Or the 901 leaked OTA is supposed to work
What are some of the tricks to stop the data drops?
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I am 24+ hours with no data loss since my factory reset in Virginia Beach.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
There are none some guys are saying Factory reset but I cant see that being long term. Or the 901 leaked OTA is supposed to work
Your gonna love it. Glad you got squared away.Wood. You are right. After 24 hours of no loss, I woke up today to businesss as usual. I would lose data with no rhyme nor reason. It was the last straw. I spent time this morning and tonight with a tech rep and finally will have the Bionic replaced with a Rezound.
What are some of the tricks to stop the data drops?
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
With the methods to jump to 901 and back down you can try out the 901 system and if you dont like it, go back down to 5.5.893. P3 has a page as do many others on how to do it. When you downgrade you run a fix file to restore some needed files for 5.5.893.
Been running 901 a while and have a few drops but 99% it locks and runs on 3g or 4g no issues. The drops are all in bad service areas and they are few and far between. If my phone had shipped with this I would not have complained about it once..
my .02 worth.
+1 seen so many uninformed decisions to drop a great phone cuz vzw 4g phone problems with lte network.. not knowing u can go back to stock now from any build. Even from. 901... factory resets are easy. Specially with google backing up contact and the market redownloading prev. Bought apps... i mean people are throwing out perfectly fine phones for refurbs.. with the same problems that all coulda been addressed without talking to one vzw rep in the first place... oi.for me though I've never dropped it a once in the 1 day I didn't have any date of I called verizon they told me there's a nation wide outage.. I came on here the forums.. saw the same thingon here.. and my phones been so so solid for me and the .893 update I has been so amazing I haven't even tried. .901 .. the biggest gripe I had with this phone was the camera and it is much much quicker still no htc rezound but it's good enough for me. My 2c.
This makes my 3rd Bionic in less than 3 months. So I am averaging a phone a month. Every single time its been returned its been the 3G connectivity. I was told to ''just hang on'' till they got the update then everything will be better... umm yeah no it seemed to make it worse. My husband has a motorola droid, my daughter has the HTC incredible 2, my other daughter has the samsung gem and all three of them have 3G constantly. I cant even check my emails or get on facebook to answer a question without having to either shut my phone down or toggle it to airplane mode and PRAY that it comes up with at least 3G for a few minutes.
Sometimes all I get is 1x while everyone else is ''locked on'' to the network.
I am ready to get something different. This phone is a total BRICK!
Ive had Not one problem ever and i have 4 friends with bionic that also dont have problems.. you have to realize ...this forums thing is a minority group.. and you see more problems here cuz ppl turn to forums when they have problems . and the phones you mentioned.. arnt even 4g phones so thy wouldnt be affected by lte problems... i cant understand why ppl cant see they access the network diff than all 3g phones. *rolls eyez* apples and oranges.
I completely understand that they access the network differently but when you are in the same room with everyone else who is able to use their phone and you are sitting there with a BRICK that you cant use at all you tend to NOT be very happy with it.
YOU and your friends are one of the lucky ones with no problems, kudo's for you, but I have had problem after problem with this phone and the other phone all the way to the original Bionic phone I purchased.
When I went to use my upgrade I was told that this was the most greatest phone, does all this yadda yadda yadda, I researched it, checked it out and all the hype I knew it was going to have a few problems. ALL phones have their little quirks. But to have this many problems and to have everyone blowing smoke at you ''wait till the software upgrade, it will fix EVERYTHING'' yeah, no it didnt. It seemed to make the connectivity issues WORSE.
And as for the 4G LTE, I am not in a 4G area so I have it selected for 3G only...
So am I a little disappointed with this phone? YES very much so.
Do I know the difference between Apples and oranges. YES
Do I know this phone is a POS BRICK... YES YES YES!
You just said you know the difference on how the two access the network differently... and then go on the say "i selected 3g only.. so i should have 3g right with these 3g phones.." and that statement is false. Lte phones access the 3g network differently than a strictly cdma phone. So yes if there are problems with the lte network in your area.. you wont have no data at all. None zero kaput. And someone with any of the phones you listed and and are comparing to could totally have 3g standing right next to you. Now. That being said. Im sure you are having problems that arnt all network related.. but have you even tried. 901 Updated? A factory reset on ur phone? Switching it out for another? Also. You must realize we r a very very small portion of the countries bionic owners on these forums.. and 90% of ppl on here come looking for answers to their phone problems. You say lucky few people that have working bionics... i think in reality 80% of bionics workdd fine off the shelf. 90% after. 893 and the other 10 % find success with. .901. ...try some of my suggestions ... especially the factory reset. Just remember next time to research before you post
Mike I got mine next day air your gonna love the RezI am one of those who is having problems. I have the 893 OS. I tried the factory reset. As a matter of fact, if you go back a couple of pages, I mistakenly declared victory after 24 hours of zero data loss. I was wrong. I am still having a problem with it and it is not network related. I just reset my phone by pulling the battery. I went from 2 bars, no data to 4 bars with 3G as I have the LTE turned off. Now, I may not know how the LTE phones connect to the towers but I do know that several times a day my phone quits "talking" to the tower and I have to pull the battery to get it to reconnect. Shouldn't the phone automatically reconnect to the tower if there is a connection issue and a temporary drop sync occurs?
Now, I am a straight dweeb when it comes to phones. I don't root, hack or otherwise mess with my phone. It's not that I can't learn. It's that I have other things to do. I get software updates from my service provider. If the phone is not working, I am not going to go out and "find" the solution. I expect Motorola and Verizon to provide an acceptable product that I am paying for. I am here to say to Motorola and Verizon: I'm not telling you how to suck the egg, I'm just telling you it needs to be sucked!
In the next day or two, I will receive the HTC Rezound as a replacement for the Bionic. I firmly believe that this will fix my issue. If it doesn't, I will admit that on this thread. But since there is not a thread on the Rezound section that is 35 pages long with over 50,000 views, I feel very certain that I will not be sending "You were right, I was wrong" messages any time soon.
I'm with you. I am on my 5th bionic, got the first one the day they came out. With the exception of one phone all have been replaced because of data issues. To illustrate: when the Droid X was my primary phone my data use was somewhere between 6 and 8 gigs a month. Now I barely use 2 gigs. What's the problem? I don't think it's the network! It's this POS bionic. Don't get me wrong. I love the bionic, the way it looks, video playback, and it's speed. But what good is a phone that can't access the internet or your email? I can use my wifes Incredible 2 more than 50 miles away from our home and never loose the tower I started with that morning, never loosing the 3G connection I started with. No, it's not verizons towers, it's this POS bionic!I completely understand that they access the network differently but when you are in the same room with everyone else who is able to use their phone and you are sitting there with a BRICK that you cant use at all you tend to NOT be very happy with it.
YOU and your friends are one of the lucky ones with no problems, kudo's for you, but I have had problem after problem with this phone and the other phone all the way to the original Bionic phone I purchased.
When I went to use my upgrade I was told that this was the most greatest phone, does all this yadda yadda yadda, I researched it, checked it out and all the hype I knew it was going to have a few problems. ALL phones have their little quirks. But to have this many problems and to have everyone blowing smoke at you ''wait till the software upgrade, it will fix EVERYTHING'' yeah, no it didnt. It seemed to make the connectivity issues WORSE.
And as for the 4G LTE, I am not in a 4G area so I have it selected for 3G only...
So am I a little disappointed with this phone? YES very much so.
Do I know the difference between Apples and oranges. YES
Do I know this phone is a POS BRICK... YES YES YES!