I put in a claim to Asurion via a very nice VZW rep. At first the Asurion rep offered the Ally, Devour, Eris etc, but the rep fought for me to get the Incredible as a replacement for my Droid. This was... July 22nd. Now it is August 1st, and all I keep getting are emails telling me that my replacement device is still not available and that they'll contact me again in the next 72 hours. It is beyond frustrating to hear that some have received their replacement Dincs in such a speedy manner, especially because I have no temporary phone. VZW told me that I can't put a non-smartphone on my account (?!).
I guess I'll call and complain in a level headed, and calm manner. I do want the Incredible as my replacement over the Droid, because c'mon, the Incredible is a much faster and aesthetically pleasing phone.