When it gave you a choice, was it before or after you faxed the documents to Asurion?
Not sure what is going on with Asurion. They have been in and out of stock of D1's. I finally pulled the trigger today (online) and submitted my claim.
Yesterday the online system told me to pick either a MOTO Devour or the LG. Today when I went to resume my claim I was not offered that choice anymore and the confirm said I was getting a D1. The odd thing is my deductible was was the old $50 and not the $89 that others are saying they paid. I used to have a BB on my line, upgraded another family members line and switched phones so my line is now the D1. Wonder if they still have me as owning a "not as smart" smart phone.
Oh well, it's coming tomorrow. I only wish they would send me a new D2 instead (don't really want a DI or DX due to no physical keyboard)...one can only dream. I will be happy with just a D1.