I am still happy with .901
I am surprised that there are some people that still have significant problems on 901. I was fairly happy with 7.893 and as close to 100% satisfied with 901 as I can imagine being.
I apologize to those still struggling. Reading a post like this must be very frustrating. I have no doubt your problems are real. I have seen some posts that say "Not all bionics are created equal". I believe that is possible. But also I remember reading about people in strong 4g areas saying they have received multiple replacements from VZW with no relief to their problems. Obviously 901 is to new for people to have tried multiple units on it yet.
So what could the problem be?
- Bad handset
- geographic area
- software
Perhaps these people are at the point that they need to revisit their basic assumptions. If I was having the problems they were I would attempt to get my phone to as close to 100% stock as possible including radio and kernel. F
ortunately this is now possible. I would not install any apps what so ever. No third party apps. I would not freeze any apps. I would not even use the same gmail account or any of the same email accounts. I would set up a new gmail account and use that for testing. I would leave all setup with default values, except battery saver which I would put in performance mode.
If the phone failed I would take it strait to a VZW corporate owned store and show it to them. If it did not fail I would begin slowly added back my email accounts and apps. And I mean SLOWLY.
These people with what seem to be extreme problems with their Bionic phones are not noobs. They obviously know what they are doing. During my
long carrier developing software and systems when I found myself at a point where things were defying logic, then something I was assuming to be true was not.
We should not have to debug our VZW phones for them, but perhaps the problem is something we have added or tweaked. Something that was so simple we are not even thinking about it. Perhaps the problem is in the email accounts and the synchronizing is causing the problem. Who knows.
Good luck to those still struggling.