Blue Energy Theme for FROYO (Android 2.2)


I have a couple questions:

I changed roms and had to reload your theme, and when I did, I noticed the touch keyboards have changed back to stock (I think) and it seems like the first time I loaded your theme with the stock rom it was more polished looking and a different color. How can I change back to yours?

Is the phone dialer supposed to have more blue color on it? I see in kookahdoo signature that his does, but I guess that he must have changed his on his own?


Asking this here because forum is active and it could be related to someone. Does anyone know what causes

error in sdcard....
(status 7) error

I've been googling and searching a lot of people have this problem randomly but no solutions. I'm having it right now with a couple of different updates (including one for this theme).
sounds like a boot partition was over written, maybe reapplying the kernel through would help?
not related to this theme though I am sure.
Question gonna update LauncherPro? I know the dude is putting out updates like every other day....just wondering.

Droid does kook
Was curious, is everything zialigned in this? Pete mentioned it in one his posts that themes etc... should be zipaligned also.


Yes I used PNGauntlet to optimize all png's and zipaligned the modified .apk's

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I have a couple questions:

I changed roms and had to reload your theme, and when I did, I noticed the touch keyboards have changed back to stock (I think) and it seems like the first time I loaded your theme with the stock rom it was more polished looking and a different color. How can I change back to yours?

Is the phone dialer supposed to have more blue color on it? I see in kookahdoo signature that his does, but I guess that he must have changed his on his own?



I've never had anything themed in the keyboard (yet) so I dunno. I like the HTC keyboard or swype so never see the regular keyboard. I could chnge it to the Nextheme glossy type keys however if everyone would rather have that.

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Question gonna update LauncherPro? I know the dude is putting out updates like every other day....just wondering.

Droid does kook

Yeah I am going to update it, I just was doing to BB version last night. It updated yesterday sometime I think and I worked from 1-11 lastnight and had to be at work at 730 this morning so just haven't had time yet. Will try to get to ikt again tonight.

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crack-whip-sound :) :)
was updated twice last night actually :)

Nice work on the theme! I installed it last night and I'm lovin it dancedroid! Just a request? It would be really cool to see what your theme would look like red. and make the Google search bar the same theme as the facebook and twitter widgets. Keep up the good work though even if you dont try these things still love the theme.
I've actually had someone like it well enough to root phone (was being considered anyway, this was final push) and install it.
I had the themed version of launcher pro working on BB v0.2, then noticed launcherpro had an update, so i updated. and now the themed version wont work :( tried reinstalling to no luck.
I had the themed version of launcher pro working on BB v0.2, then noticed launcherpro had an update, so i updated. and now the themed version wont work :( tried reinstalling to no luck.
yes, a fix is due tonight for that.
Question gonna update LauncherPro? I know the dude is putting out updates like every other day....just wondering.

Droid does kook

Yeah I am going to update it, I just was doing to BB version last night. It updated yesterday sometime I think and I worked from 1-11 lastnight and had to be at work at 730 this morning so just haven't had time yet. Will try to get to ikt again tonight.

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No rush bruther....just wondering....

Droid does kook
Well, I have never been into themes, but saw this one and the screen shots really impressed me so I went ahead and flashed it. All I can say is I love it! Nice job man, much appreciated!