Blue Energy Theme for FROYO (Android 2.2)

Finally figured out what the plus signs were when I was looking in the apk. I never actually played around with it before i pulled it and started making changes. Pretty cool.
launcher pro default screen

So i switched my total screens to 5, and my default screen to 3 and restarted launcher pro. The total screens increased, but I can't get my default too. I've tried doing it number of times, any idea.

never mind, didn't realize there was an option for home not to take you to the default screen.
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Ughh I'm so slow today.

OK, updated Launcher Pro. Link in the OP. I would've had it about 20 minutes earlier but I stared at my phone trying to find the apk and then realized it was on the SDCard. Heh, FroYo.

Purple Passion is up in the main themes area, check it out.

Thank everyone.
What's been added/fixed with this update? And will i need to set up my homescreens again?
I don't know what was fixed in the latest launcherpro (I don't actually use it..actually I don't use anything on my phone anymore. Except recovery..haha)

You can go here,


This is probably a dumb question but how do I get the launcher that's on the bottom of the screen?
LauncherPro from the OP, it's awesome, bad part is you'll have to rebuild your home screens. New version of LauncherPro doesn't automagically put the Drawer button on there, you have to long press on an icon in the "tray" to add the icon. also, if you are on the home screen, hit the menu button, click preferences, and you can customize how many home screens, which one is the primary, what to do if you hit the home key (if you hit it when you are at your primary screen, a popup comes up with all homescreens to select the one you want). Also, the new version adds 10 more tray slots, just swipe the tray to the left.

New LauncherPro beta v0.6 changelog...

-Fixed the bug where the app drawer’s home button would show for a second after coming back from an application.

-Fixed screen previews when choosing to have 2 homescreens

-Fixed some folder-related bugs when 5-row option is selected.

-New screen indicator (optional). If you’re not using the homescreen dots in your dock, you can choose do display a small indicator at the bottom of the screen to know on which homescreen you are. You can enable it in the preferences

-New: The app drawer button is now a regular dock shortcut. That means you can change its position, change its icon, or remove it entirely.

-New: The dock has grown! Swipe the dock to the left (down in landscape) to reveal 5 additional shortcut spaces. Now swipe it again for 5 more! That makes a total of 15 shortctus. You can add the app drawer button on the new dock spaces by long-pressing on one and choosing “App Drawer”.

-New: Option to keep LauncherPro in memory. When you’re running low on memory, the system usually kills LauncherPro, so next time you open it, it has to reload all widgets and icons which takes a few seconds. This option should keep the system from killing LauncherPro. If you experience any troubles with it, please disable it on the settings.

MAKE A RED THEME!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love the Blue Energy theme, but I could only imagine if you made a Red Energy theme =) Is there one in the works???
OMG I can't wait for that to drop... that is straight FIRE!!! I'm rockin' the Purple Passion for my Lakers but please drop that red for me, I'm dying for this theme!!! =)

Is it possible to include the same notification bar theme that's in Blue Energy but in red? Such as the round 3G icon, gradient bars, vibrate phone, satellite (when using GPS), etc. but in red? Now that would be even sexier =) I love those notification bar icons and theme
Cuttalott you must've been watching this thread to know....I am obsessed with options. :D