Ollie, I'm going to say that if you're moving, the GPS digital speedometer on your phone is going to be far more accurate than the speedometer on your car. Your speedometer on your car may be precise ( meaning consistently accurate to the number of rotations of the wheel and therefore the distance traveled based on the diameter of the tire), and accurate to the diameter of your tire and the pressures that you have it set to. Unfortunately if the tire pressure is off there will be an error in the calculation that will be consistent across all speeds.
Also if the tire is not the proper circumference and diameter as specified by the manufacturer there will again be a consistent error rate across the entire speed.
Finally as your tire wears down over time the rate will be different from when the tire was installed brand new to when the tire is removed and replaced because the diameter of the tire will have changed from new to replace by approximately a centimeter, of not more.
On the other hand with the digital speedometer using GPS, even though GPS has a significant error factor when stationary, conversely when moving the error factor diminishes to near 0 because with multiple satellites the calculations that are being done realtime have the ability to iteratively solve for the error factor and make the corrections to determine your accurate speed.
We could also throw in a possible difference in the accuracy of the clock as it pertains to the speedometer, and therefore the indication of miles per hour or kilometers per hour could be affected by that as well. I would venture to guess that the atomic clocks to which are cell phones are set is going to be more accurate than the clock in your car which the speedometer uses in the calculation for miles per hour or kilometers per hour accordingly.
I know for a fact that my car speedometer indicates I'm traveling at approximately two and a half miles per hour faster than I am. I have also seen that ratio or difference between the two get narrower and wider right before and right after the replacement of a tire.
Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
Some cars' speedos are calibrated between 5 and 10 percent low for insurance reasons.
Ok so I just drove 120 miles.
Nokia Here gps speed: 68 mph
Digital speedometer: 69 mph
Analog speedometer: 71 mph