[DISCONTINUED THEME] * EpicBlue for Liberty 1.5 D2/D2G

In the toolbox, use Liberty Tweaks/Misc/Mount System read/write. But if that doesn't let you delete, use the script on the previous page.

Sent from 1885
And this is what I get in terminal


Don't blame me my head and hands posted it.
Hey stetsonaw, great looking theme sir. I'm downloading now and can't wait. It looks sooooooo cool. Great job. Also very cool of you to hang around an answer all questions/complaints. Your hard word and effort is very much appreciated.
I'll check back after a little use.
Thanks so much!!!!!
Thanks, I try the best I can, I hate it when devs/themers don't stick around and provide support, just sit back and collect donations. I like to help out as much as i can, and also give a reason for people to donate besides just for my time put in theming. I like to go by "Making a theme is only half of being a themer, support being the other half".
Thanks, I try the best I can, I hate it when devs/themers don't stick around and provide support, just sit back and collect donations. I like to help out as much as i can, and also give a reason for people to donate besides just for my time put in theming. I like to go by "Making a theme is only half of being a themer, support being the other half".

Very very cool of you. 2 questions; How long did this theme take you to make? And what is a good donation? $5 $10 $20 $.99 $.25 ????????
What do developers/themers usually like to get for a donation from one person?
I don't put numbers out there, it's whatever you feel is sufficient. I know i clocked over 40 hours on it, but unsure of the time spent in total. It does make my wife more comfortable about me spending so much time theming when i tell her i got a donation though ;). Although, now that I'm pretty much complete, it doesn't take much to port it over to new ROMs, unless it's going from Froyo to Gingerbread, and new apps that come out can be a pain to do over again, since it's not just images i swap out, there's some coding as well.
Worked like a champ man and the theme looks great on here....i dont know what i was thinking forgiting that command but owell its on there now and i love it
Awesome, thanks for letting me know! And you're good, i forget silly crap all the time!
need to post up the icon pack as well bc i use some other things than the reg apps like messenger and email and all those