[DISCONTINUED THEME] * EpicBlue for Liberty 1.5 D2/D2G

What is up with this Facebook app. Every few hours it will show recent updates (On the widget) then it goes back to displaying a random entry someone made Thursday morning someone posted. Really is the weirdest thing..
I'm having the same problem. Noticed it today when another user asked me about it. I'm gonna install the Market version tonight and see if it does the same thing.
I'm having the same issue :(
Thought it was just me. I installed 5 different versions to see if it was the themed version I had...
I've been running this same themed facebook between 2 ROMs on 2 phones for at least the last month, and it just started doing this Thursday, so I'm thinking it's a Facebook issue rather than an app issue.

Bad part is this means there will probably be an update soon, and Facebook is a royal PAIN to theme.
I've tested 6 different facebooks now and they all do the same thing. I rebooted after uninstalling and reinstalling, clear data. Fellow droid user on crystal x using same themed version is experiencing no issue.
Fb is working fine here.... refreshes every 15 mins....no issues ~ liberty 1.5 on crystal x with transparent fb
Curse the thought of another Gosh darn update!!!!! I'm solid over updates.... I'm about to delete my market! Lol

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wait, sorry, CrystalX is the theme on Liberty. If you've tried different versions, then I have no idea.
I'm not having issues with ur fb on crystalx liberty 1.5.... just pulled it and tried. That's weird....no issues

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Dude this battery icon is insane....loving it....

Again....thank you...this is awesome.


I found some other stages to show
Can you ditch the second screenshot, since it's the same thing??

Link to the thread for those icons can be found in post 4.