My DROID and me...
I had always been the frugal type, to avoid indulgences that would cost me more money. I had done well so far, and as far as my phone went, I was perfectly content with a basic T9 text clamshell phone. My first was the notorious Kyocera Soho, being broke and just out of Basic and AIT. My last was a Moto VE20. I was getting frustrated on a regular basis with that phone and the KRZR i had right before it because they didnt work right, and the battery life would last me til lunch at the unit. I decided to say %^&* it and step up, making a move and getting that Droid that had been taunting me this whole time where I had committed to never get a smart phone. I had tethering, so my internet was mobile already and fast enough for me, so why? Well I did it one day and I will never regret the decision. At first I was reluctant because I needed a phone to tether to my computer for internet, and at the time the Droid wasn't capable of it, to say that Verizon didn't have their own support for it. Well, when I learned that in fact I COULD with an app called PDANet, and on top of that I wouldn't have to pay for it either!!!!!!! I was sold, I got the $30 tether charge taken off and replaced it with the penny cheaper $29.99 data charge, and everything cost the same pretty much. And now I don't even need my computer anymore because I do it all on my Droid. EVEN checking my military AKO email! The idea was just crazy considering all the security complications. It turned out that it worked almost just like Outlook, so it was easy. I set it up IMAP (since it is just a phone and subject to being destroyed like one, I didn't need the only copy of my emails to be on it like setting it up POP3 would do), and away it went.
I have pretty much my whole life routed through this little thing, and other than many ForceClose issues with messaging, I am happy.
BTW, IF ANYONE can help me with my constant Force Close issues with my messaging, I would greatly appreciate an email to me at
Having to restart my phone in the middle of a convo with my fiance right when it is getting good is a bit of a.......well u know, very sukky thing.