Newcomer here!
The Droid is my first real phone and I'm absolutely blown away. I'm in love with its sleek, black design and it's dual touch/keypad feature. Web browsing no longer requires a computer and if I'm ever stranded and waiting for a friend, my trusty Droid will be there to help ease the boredom.
Before, I had an LG flip phone that only called and texted. No camera, front screen, etc..
I was then upgraded to a teal Juke by Samsung, and surprisingly managed to fill the 2 year contract. Boo on those that broke theirs

The Juke survived bouncing across parking lots, getting thrown against the walls, and falling down staircases.
Well, to avoid sounding any more like a phone representative trying to entice customers with detailed explanations of different phones...
...they call me Esther. I was born on 420. Not very funny being born on national pot day and Hitler's birthday.
That should do it, shouldn't it? *checks box next to introduction on task list*