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why hello. i'm just here to soak up the information on all things that are droid. i bought it the day it's been released, and i've never had a single problem with it, (except for the occasional android system weirdnesseses) THANKS GUYS!
have had the motorola droid for 2 weeks now, purchased off amazon for 25 bucks (now 20). Loving it alot and am currently customizing my home, trying new widgets. forums look friendly, admins are doing a great job.
I must say, after having come from organizers (Sharp) and phones Palm (Treo), Razr (Motorola), and Windows Mobile (Samsung Blackjack), the Moto Droid is a refreshing treat. Thanks to JRummy, I have already rooted...and soon plan to (possibly) do some dev work.
hello everyone, i am new!! i i have had my droid for a while now and i was wanting to know how to do some cool thing to. i know its alsome phone and everything but i know it can do so much more to. i want to try to root my phone and make it the coolest phone evr but i am in the process of figure out how.
Hello all; I’m a sales rep. and spend a lot of time on the road and for the last 11 years I've been searching for the perfect smart phone, I've gone from the first Palms to Blackberries. Although the Crackberries do a great job with e-mail the rest of the apps have been lacking. Just purchased my Droid last Friday and all I can say is Wow! I think this is it. Thanks Google & Moto! :motdroidhoriz:
HI i joined this forum to learn more about my droid eris and the android system . I will be purchasing a new android phone soon so i want to find the phone with the best options for me ..
I took a huge leap this past weekend and upgraded my LG enV2 to a Motorola Droid. Talk about an anxiety attack! Fortunately, my husband has been a Droid user for the past six months and was a major help with all my early questions as well as getting the phone/computer set up for my needs.
Our local Verizon Store offers a class on the Droid every other Sunday, and I was able to take advantage of this the day after acquiring my Droid. That was very helpful too.
I believe the biggest thing that is helping me transition is I'm thinking of the Droid as more of a computer that you can also use to make a phone call. This line of thinking has enabled me to navigate around easier and also to understand the general commands used for various tasks.
I look forward to reading other posts on this Forum with the hopes of picking up helpful hints and suggestions from all the more experienced users.
What up all. Im new to the smartphone division. Bought my droid when it first came out and i've been through several mods already so im pickin it up fairly quick. Im excited to learn more and I hope to get my own app off the ground soon...
I just bought the Droid because of a need to upgrade within Verizonwireless. I connected to the Droid Forum to learn about the phone. The manual for the phone is not all encompassing. So far I love my phone.
brand new to the forums but so far a great experience. i've never rooted/rom/over clocked a phone/smartphone or pc but i was able to last night with the very helpful links and videos all over the forum. imma head over to the respective category to post a question but so far im :icon_ banana: cuz my :motdroidhoriz: is baaaaaaaaaad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasshhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
So I am new droid owner. In fact its in the mail right now so I guess technically I will be a droid owner in a day or two.
I am married with two great little girls that are my life. I grew up in San Jose but since I left I have really gotten away from all the new technology. Now I work two jobs, 14 hours a day and decided to get myself a gift. The Droid!
Been reading some stuff on this forum and it seems like everyone knows alot about how to get the most out of this gift I got myself. HELP. I really dont understand alot of the terms you guys use but want to know all of it.
So if you guys were getting a new droid today and didnt know a whole lot about how to make it the best droid possible what would you hope someone would tell you?? Thx to anyone who takes some time out of there day to help me out!
So I am new droid owner. In fact its in the mail right now so I guess technically I will be a droid owner in a day or two.
I am married with two great little girls that are my life. I grew up in San Jose but since I left I have really gotten away from all the new technology. Now I work two jobs, 14 hours a day and decided to get myself a gift. The Droid!
Been reading some stuff on this forum and it seems like everyone knows alot about how to get the most out of this gift I got myself. HELP. I really dont understand alot of the terms you guys use but want to know all of it.
So if you guys were getting a new droid today and didnt know a whole lot about how to make it the best droid possible what would you hope someone would tell you?? Thx to anyone who takes some time out of there day to help me out!
I'd recommend by starting out with familiarizing yourself with the apps. Theres alot of cool ones out there. A few I'd say you should def have...
Astro File manager
Taskiller (or some task manager)
Google has some real good apps - Goggles, Gesture Search, Google Sky Map
My Tracks - follows your location and maps it onto Google Maps (good for measuring distances/elevations over a distance/period)
Hi new droid owner, first smartphone as well. I am in the Airforce stationed here at dover afb, de. Here to learn more about my phone and its capabilities.
Hey all,
My name is JT. I have been watching what is going on in mant of these threads for awhile now. I thought that I would join in on the the