Dude! You rock! While I had some problems with my update to .232, the fact that you had gone through all the work to make it WORK(!) was wonderful.
My first problem was trying to get the phone into the correct USB mode. You list "MTP" and "Charge Only" as the two options. Coming from .905, there was NO "MTP" option. When I set it to "Charge Only", the script would open the daemons correctly and create a zero byte file with the correct name in the correct place, but would get a can't write error.
I fought that one for well over an hour (hey, I'm both stubborn AND slow...) before I realized it just wasn't going to work on my phone. (Note: I had Bionic Bootstrap installed and, thinking it might have some of the same issues as Safestrap, I uninstalled it during that time.) I tried PC Mode and that (obviously) didn't work (yeah, I KNOW it wasn't listed, but I was getting desperate). Then I tried "Windows Media Device" and everything worked wonderfully from that point until the first reboot after .232 was flashed.
Yes, I followed the steps as outlined in the HOB OP!!! The process was Read, Do, Read, Do, Read... well you get the point.
Then I got the AP Fastboot screen with a "Flash failed" message at the top and no options to continue. This was a real bummer as I was afraid that the Bionic Bootstrap might have hosed the install and bricked my phone.
I booted into Recovery and tried to manually install the .232 file again from the sdcard. No joy, same problem on restart (yes, I wiped the cache every time). I tried flashing it AGAIN (yep, three times), still no joy.
Then, just for grins, when I booted into the menu (hold volume up and down simultaneously and press power, then press volume up and down simultaneously when the android comes up on the screen) where you select "Recovery" I tried the "Boot Normally" option and, lo and behold, it started. I tried restarting the phone (power down, back up) and AP Fastboot "Flash failed" error. Then thinking about what I had just typed (specifically the ERROR part), I tried the "Boot normally" option, got the phone started and, using the HOB .bat file, I tried the "AP Flash Error" (Repair?) option ("R", I think) and it fixed the problem.
Success! Darn, forgot I "need" to root the phone because the "Permanent" Bionic root method doesn't work through the upgrade from GB to ICS. So I started that part of the process. However, between HOB 6.7 and 7.0 the option to root was lost. So I tried it directly from the root folder with run.bat and it worked. However, it took a total of three restarts to finish the rooting, which I hadn't expected.
Anyway, I have .232 up and running and rooted! Whoo-hoo! :hail:dancedroid:icon_ banana

ancingNexus:happy::yr1::beer2::gotmyvote::icon_ peace::rockon::yahoo::rating10:
My Quadrant scores went from about 1600 to about 3000. The great thing is that, according to people who have gone higher, I can probably expect to see another 10-15% jump with the OTA because .232 has a bunch of debugging code still in it. Having a version of Android that actually USES both cores is WONDERFUL!
The RADIO is MUCH better than with .905! I have not seen the phone drop data once since the upgrade. I've seen it drop from 4G to 3G to even 1X, but no complete drop unless I was in a total signal dead zone and it picked up right away as soon as the signal returned. That alone has been worth the upgrade!
After this experience, I REALLY struggle to understand why Moto/VZW haven't released this OTA. In EVERY way this (relatively old, now) ICS leak is superior to GB. What the heck are they thinking?!?
Anyway, thanks for the HOB and all of the work you have put into it and your generosity in providing it to all of us and your responsiveness in updating it to make it better and better!
Best regards,