Thanks to timmy10shoes for the assistance with creating this script!
Thanks to John L Galt for help with the script
Thanks to sargentmajord for help with the RSD scripting changes
Thanks to all my hosting friends!
Special thanks to mattigroff for the 235+ method!!!
Special thanks to Dan Rosenberg for the root method!!!
A very special thanks to P3Droid, DHacker, CellZealot and all the other leaders who've taught us all!
This utility would not exist without the efforts of all those listed and more!
What is this?
-A script to help people move from one ICS leak to another.
-Designed for people who the process to automate the steps.
-For updating to 232 or 235, we use the 905 FXZ to temporarily revert to 905 and then walk you through applying the update in recovery.
-For updating from 235 to a newer build, we use part of the 905 FXZ to revert to a state where we can apply the update in recovery. This method will temporarily soft brick your phone until the update is applied. You have been warned.

-Both methods leave your data and apps in tact from the previous ICS build to the new one.
What this is not
-A replacement for knowledge on how to modify your phone. I.E. This is not a script for "n00bs" to bypass learning the process.
-Will NOT apply the update in recovery for you...that is, and will always be, a manual process. Follow the menus!
-Will NOT work if you skip steps that you think "aren't necessary".
-Will NOT work if you don't READ AND LEARN *BEFORE* doing!
Here's my warning. It works for me. But, if you use this, it is 100% AT YOUR OWN RISK. I can't take responsibility for what this does to your phone!!!
WARNING: You MUST remove safestrap before using this utility
Requirements for House Of Bionic:
o) Moto Device Manager (driver):
USB and PC Charging Drivers - Motorola Mobility, Inc. USA
o) USB cable
o) Charged battery
o) SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_COMPONENTS_(1.0).exe
o) SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(2.2).exe
NOTE: House of Bionic 3.0 is out but not supported until I get back tomorrow. If you must have 238 look at this post and read FULLY:
Downgrade to 902 - No app or data loss - Page 116
Links (Thanks to shawner47 for the adrive mirrors):
SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(2.2).exe: (Contains ICS updates, root, rsd scripts, and the menu)
MD5: CF79242DDA2998C6BE9D33C34ECA5B74
SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(2.2).exe - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download - Samuri HL
SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(2.2)_PATCH.exe: (Get this if you have 2.0 or 2.1 installed)
MD5: 910CC01FF4D8ED6A7C23BF574BD0251F
SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(2.2)_PATCH.exe - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download - Samuri HL
SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_COMPONENTS_(1.0).exe: (Contains 905 FXZ, rsd, and utils)
MD5: 54B9DBFD9EA56F55261644FD3C3B7240
SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_COMPONENTS_(1.0).exe - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download - Samuri HL
ADrive | Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Full Installation:
o) Install the moto drivers
o) Install the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_(2.2).exe
o) Install the SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic_COMPONENTS_(1.0).exe
Patch Installation:
o) If you have everything installed and there is a patch available, you can simply install the patch installer over the top of your full install
NOTE: They must be installed to the same directory. Default is Desktop\SamuriHL_HouseOfBionic
o) Programs and Features, House Of Bionic
o) Plug in your USB cable
o) Enable USB debugging
o) Set USB to media device (MTP)
o) Start, Programs, House Of Bionic, House Of Bionic link
o) Select the version you want to install and follow the menus
NOTE: When RSD is flashing for updates, an error will be thrown in the last step, RSD will quit, and your phone will remain in AP Fastboot. This is desired. Leave your phone in AP Fastboot and go to the next step in the script.
Warning on 235 or higher:
If you update to 235 you can never go back to a GB build. The 905 FXZ will brick you if you try to use it. This script has a method to go forward built into it when/if we get a newer build. Right now that functionality is disabled as there is no newer build. Be warned that if you use 235 you are stuck on it for now with only a way to go forward should the need arise. (NOT backwards).
File Hash Utils:
MD5 Utility for Windows:
WinMD5 Free - Windows MD5 Utility Freeware
Hashtab MD5 Utility for Windows:
HashTab tool to quickly find file hash information
Full 905 FXZ procedure for 232 or lower ONLY:
WARNING: This MUST NOT be done on a phone with 6.7.235 or higher! YOU WILL BRICK YOUR PHONE!!
This is for people who need to do a FULL restore (WILL erase data and apps!)
o) Ensure the latest moto drivers are installed (see above)
o) Plug the phone into USB
o) Start, Programs, House Of Bionic, House Of Bionic link
o) Select option f for FXZ - Factory reset
WARNING: This will erase data and apps!