Thanks for the link! Added to the OP.
I really wasn't trying to complain about the users. Not my intent. Some people have taken it that way it seems. I think they misunderstood my SHOULD NOT USE comment. Yes, I get there's a learning curve. But the point i made to them is that in the 124 pages of this thread, not one person has asked me how the HoB works. What the hell is it doing to my phone? It's actually not all that difficult. In fact, let's have a little lesson now, shall we?
When you start the HoB, you are presented with a dynamic menu of choices. Dynamic meaning it gets generated based on what rsd scripts are found in the rsd_scripts directory and built according to that. The 905 FXZ stuff isn't's added at the end. Now you pick an option. Let's say "INSTALL 232". A bunch of variables that set the stage for installing 232. We then bring up the next menu:
1) Push the 232 update to your phone
2) Reboot into recovery
3) Flash HouseOfBionic(232).xml
4) Instructions to flash the 232 update in recovery
5) root
What amazes me is that people see 1-5 and decide that half the options didn't apply because they didn't bother to read anything before installing the HoB. "I just assumed it did everything automatically." Making ANY kind of assumptions when flashing your phone is not very smart IMO. Anyway, so the first option uses adb to push the update zip to your phone. In 3.1 I generate an md5 file to go with it so you can verify the update was pushed successfully to your phone. Option 2 uses adb to restart into the bootloader (AP Fastboot). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Hence the instructions of "here's what to do if it doesn't work for you."

Option 3 is the real meat of the HoB. What gets flashed in RSD here depends on what you selected on the first menu. So in our example of INSTALL 232, we'd have HouseOfBionic(232).xml from the rsd_scripts directory being flashed in RSD. The "magic" that sargentmajord created for me is that the end of each of those scripts throws an error to keep RSD from rebooting the phone. Rebooting is something we DO NOT want to happen in this process as it will corrupt your system data or worse (in the case of 235/238 you won't be able to boot at all because we softbrick the phone with the script to prepare it for the update to install). Once RSD finishes, your phone is still in AP Fastboot as desired. Then you go to option 4 which tells you how to shut the phone off and boot it into recovery, apply the update, wipe the cache, reboot, and you're done.
That's it. That's all this script is doing. The different RSD scripts flash different files based on what you're trying to achieve. 232 and lower flash straight 905 FXZ files so that you're basically updating from stock 905. 235 and above is more complicated because the security on certain partitions disallow flashing 905 files. So we use system, preinstall, and webtop from 905, and flash the rest from the update we're trying to install...boot, devtree, cdt.bin, etc all come from the update zip. Boot.img has to be created, but, it's the boot.img that the update would patch to if it were installing from 905.
I hope that enlightens some people. When you get stuck on option 3, nothing says you can't fire up RSD manually and flash whatever file it tells you it's going to flash on the menu. When done, kill RSD, and go to step 4.