Yes there is a direct correlation there. Please download the patch guys when it's available to you. I have more on 2.1 also but we WON"T see 2.1 until this release is out there.
Thats annoying...
Why exactly is it annoying? While i'm sure we all want to see 2.1 ASAP; this isn't the first time an OS update has ever had prerequisites that are released as updates prior to the actual new OS. Microsoft has done the same exact thing with most of it's Windows Service Packs, a set of prereqs are usually pushed out about a week ahead of the release to ensure a smooth transition.
And in some cases, if the SP is attempted to be installed without installing the prereqs first, it breaks things. Badly.
Its annoying because instead of getting a notice of what is updated or what we know is changed on our phone we just get the simple answer of a prerequisite. That is how its annoying.