This is all BULLSH..T
I have been on this forum sense Nov 09.. seen it grow, learned TONS! I finally rooted my phone and installed adamz way back, blackdroid came along and really got the ball rolling... Tryed all kinds of roms.. Can we start some kind of donate paypal up so all the devs get a cut and yes I know there is more to it then money... But i mean damn! All this drama the past few days had put a bad taste in my mouth.. I love android no dought, people are always asking, is that the moto :motdroidhoriz:... i tell them about it what it can do and always tell them about this forum on how awsome it is.. Out of all the roms i have tryed.. CM UD AD BB etc etc.. UD/ChevyNo1 1.25 Kernal ran the fastest, coolest, best battery life, and was themed to how I like it.. I HATE THIS ALL HAD TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS!!!!!!!! We are SPARTA! not the APPLEZIETZ!!!
I wish there was a way to go back in time and be able to keep this all from happening.. A few letters typed on a keyboard could have prevented us ALL specially new people to android from getting this setback! Yes i see it as a setback! now we all have to go to all differnt places to find out about new things and answers to our problems! ITS A SAD DAY!

Is there ANY way for everyone! All of you guys to get together in a voice, chat room, anything! to get this taken care of?!?!?! I dont like how it ended! NOT GOOD FOR THE WHOLE OF ANDROID COMMUNITY:reddroid:, world wide!!