One thing..seems you BD-haters don't realize you are beating a dead horse.
I am not taking sides, just saying this:
BD is shut down from this site, and from AD. I doubt he will ever get into AF either since the Guides there are biased.
So those of you that hate BD say "YES! We Won!. Now listen to us and why we are right!"
No.. you didn't win.. not in the big picture anyhow. And you will never truly make your point against those who even somewhat agree with BD, mainly because of the senseless flame-war that was started.
BD and his true followers are simply banding together now, and will have their own site up soon, and th UD saga will continue. If anything, besides raising hell and putting a black eye on the WHOLE Android communities reputation, you've only made BD and his group stronger. How's that for irony??
I am not a fan of "stealing" work, and will not sit here and say BD is right for what he has done. I also will not say the CM clan is right either. I am saying that constructive critisizm would have been a lot better for the whole situation than these childish, ignorant flamewars that in the end will truly destroy the community. If the majority of the CM clan had been mature about defending their case.. I am willing to bet things would have turned out a LOT better than they have.
I do of course believe that credit is to be given where it is due, but I don't believe this whole war should have been started over it..(Yes I know that sounds repetitive).
As I have said before.. I will run whatever ROM runs best on my Droid, and for me. I will try future versions of both UD and CM, along with any other dev's ROM that intrigues me. In the end the one that runs best for me stays until someone else's beats it.
I appreciate all the dev's work equally and refuse to fall victim to these wars or be swayed into being a "fanboy" for any particular group. In the end.. if the dev's get along and work together, we all win. If the battles and dissention continue, we all LOSE..period.