Srt you are a fool if you keep being in denial about your boy BD. If he would have manned up and said hey I f'd up instead of being in denial and taking so long to say somthing things prob would have ended differently. The silence from him spoke volumes. If I had all these accusations being tossed around about me I would be fighting tooth and nail to clear my name and post proof, but no the dude dissappeared and took 2 days to give a bs statement. And for those who keep saying 9.8 ran smoothly and there was no outcry about that, its because it was based on the work of either chevyno1 or pete, that's why it ran so great. They just chose not to say anything, all BD did was theme it and call it his.
And where is your proof of this? Seriously, where is it?
My proof is having common sense and being around the android scene since the G-1. I know a copy and paste job when i see it. Its not even worth it to explain cause you will never understand.
What is funny is the hypocrisy... essentially all roms "steal" Google's code and built assets and call them their own... :heart:
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
What is funny is the hypocrisy... essentially all roms "steal" Google's code and built assets and call them their own... :heart:
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
If you don't understand how source code, building and compiling that source code, and the end result please don't comment (pretty please?). All roms work off of "Googles" open source code, source code is the code used to compile an android rom. Seeing as the source is open means anyone can use it and build a rom as their own. Now if Google had a rom compiled from that and you started changing it and calling it your own that's stealing.
I feel like a broken record do you people even think before typing?
i have one question for cyanogen/koush fanboys. WHY DIDNT WITHER DIRECTLY CONTACT BD ABOUT THE FILES AND ROM BUT JUST INSIGHT A FLAME WAR????????? PLEASE ANSWER THAT?? cyanogen and koush are so amazing and great why didnt they act like men and talk directly to BD??? im sorry but you run blindly on what they say instead of using sense and thinking. rom manger we stop using, problems insue, ud 10.0 has many mistakes in files used and you flame him bc cyanogen and koush get scared bc it runs better than anything koush has released. yes i have use both roms btw. WHY COULDNT THEY ANSWER HIM OR TALK DIRECTLY?? KOUSH HAS BD'S GTALK ALSO!!! Y NO CONTACT FROM THEM? them good guys lol, more like hunters trying to make sure no one gets close to them. i will be releasing a statement explain that damn spreadsheet everyone wants to complain about and wanna see fanboys try ot keep going with this. ask your fearless leader y he couldnt talk to bd directly even? he didnt care about credit, just greg gone. and a shame your all to blind to see it. cyangoen and koush are amazing dev's to no end, but personally and as a man they both fail. i thought they were btter men than just to flame a board and witch hunt someone.
Srt you are a fool if you keep being in denial about your boy BD. If he would have manned up and said hey I f'd up instead of being in denial and taking so long to say somthing things prob would have ended differently. The silence from him spoke volumes. If I had all these accusations being tossed around about me I would be fighting tooth and nail to clear my name and post proof, but no the dude dissappeared and took 2 days to give a bs statement. And for those who keep saying 9.8 ran smoothly and there was no outcry about that, its because it was based on the work of either chevyno1 or pete, that's why it ran so great. They just chose not to say anything, all BD did was theme it and call it his.
Ok now ur being retarded...I went from pete...who I have respect for n like I'm not bds roms and there's no comparison bd is a way better dev pete uses a lot of copy paste do ur fkd up with v10 he should have reached out to kush and cyanogenmod and talked about using their code and shout themk out in his write up and all would have been good...v10 ran faster than cyanogenbod but cyanogenmod is almost perfect I'm using and in love will never goto another rom its so stable and smooth like nothing I've seen...just hangs sometimes only prob...ill miss bd but honestly if this never happened id never have tried cyhanogen n I'm glad I did lol
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
If you don't understand how source code, building and compiling that source code, and the end result please don't comment (pretty please?). All roms work off of "Googles" open source code, source code is the code used to compile an android rom. Seeing as the source is open means anyone can use it and build a rom as their own. Now if Google had a rom compiled from that and you started changing it and calling it your own that's stealing.
I feel like a broken record do you people even think before typing?
So anyone who doesnt agree with you is stupid???
So anyone who doesnt agree with you is stupid???
What is funny is the hypocrisy... essentially all roms "steal" Google's code and built assets and call them their own... :heart:
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
If you don't understand how source code, building and compiling that source code, and the end result please don't comment (pretty please?). All roms work off of "Googles" open source code, source code is the code used to compile an android rom. Seeing as the source is open means anyone can use it and build a rom as their own. Now if Google had a rom compiled from that and you started changing it and calling it your own that's stealing.
I feel like a broken record do you people even think before typing?
What is funny is the hypocrisy... essentially all roms "steal" Google's code and built assets and call them their own... :heart:
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
If you don't understand how source code, building and compiling that source code, and the end result please don't comment (pretty please?). All roms work off of "Googles" open source code, source code is the code used to compile an android rom. Seeing as the source is open means anyone can use it and build a rom as their own. Now if Google had a rom compiled from that and you started changing it and calling it your own that's stealing.
I feel like a broken record do you people even think before typing?
stop avoiding the question, why no direct contact from koush or cyanogen???
my statement will explain why it took so long, it will not be liles. you dont like us you dont like us, you do like us then thats cool people understand mistakes happen. not everything is easy to figure out how a mistake this big could happen.
And where is your proof of this? Seriously, where is it?
My proof is having common sense and being around the android scene since the G-1. I know a copy and paste job when i see it. Its not even worth it to explain cause you will never understand.
its nott worth exlpaining it bc you cant![]()
stop avoiding the question, why no direct contact from koush or cyanogen???
my statement will explain why it took so long, it will not be liles. you dont like us you dont like us, you do like us then thats cool people understand mistakes happen. not everything is easy to figure out how a mistake this big could happen.
So once I actually compile Google's open source code into a rom it is my own?
++++++++1stop avoiding the question, why no direct contact from koush or cyanogen???
my statement will explain why it took so long, it will not be liles. You dont like us you dont like us, you do like us then thats cool people understand mistakes happen. Not everything is easy to figure out how a mistake this big could happen.
um.... Maybe because the issue wasn't the files. It was bd being an asshole and flaming cm before they even heard about any of this.