I'm having trouble with my Gps. I heard it was a comment problem. I'm on vanirbean v5. Is there a fix I can flash or should I change some setting?
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GPS is a common issue across all JB "roms" and will continue to be so, until Google releases the official source (hopefully next week).
Are you still sticking with Jelly Belly? I'm up to 2.2 and about to step to 2.5... a small part of me wonders what the others have to offer at this point but another part of me is pretty sure that nothing can be as smooth as what jelly belly has been for me.
Best case scenario, Google pushes source next week. GSM Nexus will get the update, my Wifi Xoom will get the update and the dev community goes nuts on the source.
I've been following Jelly Belly pretty close and dirty flashing each new build. I'm on the current 2.5 with Franco kernel (#215) and I'm pretty happy.
Now that the newness has worn off a bit, I'm temped to flash back to ICS just so I can see the difference again...nah, no way![]()
I have been flashing Superwipe before I flash JB each time. Is that still considered "Dirty"?
No, superwipe simulates a full wipe. Meaning you have to set up your phone from scratch each time. Use this if you're having issues or are switching to a different rom.
A dirty flash is just wiping your cache and dalvik. When you boot up, all your data and apps are still there. Use this if you're upgrading within the same rom (i.e. upgrading from 2.4 --> 2.5), unless the developing says otherwise. I've dirty flashed every build Jelly Belly since 1.7 with zero issues.
A super dirty flash would be wiping absolutely nothing. Not recommended. Use this if you like living dangerously. No matter what you do, make sure you have a nandroid backup to fall back on.
Thanks, thats what I thought.
I have been wiping the davlik/cache and then flashing superwipe. I can believe how fast this thing comes back. the entire process is done in 10 minutes!
Like that scenario, but better case scenario is if all that happened this week. My nexus is getting a taste for aokp flavored jbs.
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