Well after reading through this forum for over a week i'm calling BS.
I know Miami has credit for announcing the Droid Incredible ahead of time but i'm calling his bluff and saying he has nothing.
We all have lives, some busier then others, and some of us have families. I know they take time but you can't tell me you can't pop on here and upload a photo. I mean the guy has been posting all week about how it will only be an hour or a day, blah blah blah and we have been led on for a week now. I get the whole i want to release it all at once or i'm waiting for my people but come on man. You have a huge group of people following you and your basically dicking everyone over when you could just release one picture.
I'm going to make an annoucement myself. I also have pics and info on the Droid Incredible HD....i'll be posting them tomorrow, and by tomorrow i mean sometime whenever.