Don't worry...his proof is coming. It is just hard to go back over the last 138 pages of posts to find all the times we have been told his proof is coming. I think the last post (a couple of days ago) said proof was coming in about an hour...then a friend of Miami swore up and down it was happening today. It has been Monday now for nearly 11 hours (in Miami's location) and still nothing.
We shall see. Miami (and Verizon) knows that we are all sitting here waiting on the information so as long as we keep coming back and driving traffic to this site they are in no hurry to release it.
On one hand I agree that Miami doesn't want to risk his reputation by posting something partially that will be linked to other forums if it is half baked. On the other hand...he has already done that. By stating a release date with nothing to back it up and then repeatedly stating that he has information coming ("tomorrow", "tonight", "shortly", "in about an hour") his credibility is already slipping. No offense to Miami - but this site has already been linked to other blogs/websites and anyone that has checked in for this big scoop that was about to be leaked weeks ago has either joined the crazy folks here (myself included) and checked every hour or so for weeks or has written Miami off as not a credible source of information.
Now - please understand - I am not saying he owes anyone anything - but I think that if this were another site - we would want more accuracy and factual information that continued broken promises of when this information is going to appear.
Even for Miami to appear in the forum and give an update and answer some basic questions would be very helpful. It seems he has done that with folks off line (as they say more has gone on than we know) but still - that doesn't help the masses or the other websites that have driven traffic to this site.
I was so excited two months ago when BGR ran the initial story with the four pictures and then a couple of weeks ago when Miami stated the 23rd release date. As the 23rd gets closer and closer I am beginning to wonder how such a big release could be kept so long. If this all ends up being true (and I hope it is) then they have kept a tighter lid on this phone's information than Apple does with their new products.
So...I hope I am wrong...but I really am beginning to doubt the 23rd release date as that is just three weeks away and nothing has been confirmed on this phone since four pictures of a non Verizon branded phone appeared on the internet over two months ago.
Very well said. And not only is Miami's credibility at risk, this entire website's credibility is at risk. If this is fouled up, no one will ever trust Droidforum to break any news. I love this site, and it would be very sad to see that happen. Miami has made claims, and promises, and the time for proof has long since passed. I know many of you say he owes us nothing, but this is simply not true. He chose to come here with his claims, and if nothing if released today, I think the other mods need to step in and see what it going on.