Not being a pessimist, just stating the fact that we can't get an update until one is ready to be given. I probably want ICS more than most as it might actually give me a phone that can be mobile.
The facts are we don't even know yet if the latest build will be considered to be the release. Even if it ends up being the finally build it still needs to be tested, approved, & soaked. I don't think that can all happen in 1 weeks time as it's generally took much longer in the past. Also at this point without actually knowing what has changed in the latest build but it's been reported it only appears to be small changes from those who actually looked at it. Maybe well hear from those that choose to test the leaks that this last build looks like it might be a finally, unlike the past leaks that were better each time but not quite there.
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The facts are we don't even know yet if the latest build will be considered to be the release. Even if it ends up being the finally build it still needs to be tested, approved, & soaked. I don't think that can all happen in 1 weeks time as it's generally took much longer in the past. Also at this point without actually knowing what has changed in the latest build but it's been reported it only appears to be small changes from those who actually looked at it. Maybe well hear from those that choose to test the leaks that this last build looks like it might be a finally, unlike the past leaks that were better each time but not quite there.
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