Any way of getting the navigation on this rom? Its real good to have when u travel.
Have you downloaded the Google Maps app from the market?
Any way of getting the navigation on this rom? Its real good to have when u travel.
That's why you always make a backup of your apps with a backup app or script. In the case where market apps aren't restored (it isn't a sure thing with froyo) I would just go into the applications, clear the data of the market, install TB and restore my apps. Though last night i had to reflash sapphire because of a bad theme attempt on ADW last night, I was able to get all my apps restored within a couple mintues and able to reset all my screens back to how they were. It is all about being prepared when it comes to things like this, in which it seems you weren't.
Also, sapphire has some amazing features the no roms either have, or sapphire has implemented it better.
Sapphire was the first with Volume Rocker controls + Camera for controlling the music.
Sapphire's reboot option is a lot more appealing and way better made than some other implementations.
Vixie-CRON, persistant compcache, scriptybox, built in cpu controls, and the amazing GEM settings.
These are just some of the few things that sapphire can do and with plenty more to come. Some people just either don't appreciate the finer things or they don't look hard enough.
The issue is im doing this all from the phone. I don't have my usb cable. So obviously i can't download the file because i don't have androzip install and the market app is not even installed.
Pretty halfass if you ask me. Back to BB.
from the wiki page - "As of 0.8.4, sapphire is no longer including google apps by default, for legal reasons. If you still wish to have the google experience installed, then please download the package below and install it as well."
You shouldn't need androzip. just click on the link to download the file, use your terminal to rename it (term emul in Dev Tools) if necessary and move it to the root of the SD card where you can reboot into recovery and install it right over the ROM without wiping anything.
Otherwise, you are giving up pretty fast on what is undoubtedly the best ROM I've used... pretty sad if you ask me. If that is the case then so be it...enjoy BB.
You can't even begin to download the files with out an app that reads the zip format. What i'm trying to get at this is the first rom i have used that you can't fully install over using the phone exclusively.
I love Sapphire more for it's stability, while the tweakable settings are a pleasant plus...... that being said... I continually hear all this talk about how a ROM built from source is somehow 'better', but I have yet to come across 'ANY' ROMs built from source that comes completely up to par with BB... just my own experieinces here, so don't want everyone to get the panties all up in a
I mean if being built from source was all that, then why is it that most seem less stable, run hotter with any kernels, and can't seem to generate the kind of following that the so called 'Lowly' BB has??
Just had to get that off my chest since comments are being made about how BB is supposedly inferior since it's not built from source.
I continue to use both BB and Sapphire, but BB has never froze on me nor had a reboot, whiule Sapphire has on a couple rare (very rare coming out of sleep mode) occasions.
I mean Sapphire is one of the most stable Froyo ROMs I've tried, but since it's from source shouldn't it be kicking BB's ass when it comes to stability??
I love them both, but I'm also kinda tired of the disrespect dished out at Pete..... All ROMs are good in their own rights, and there is really no need to be trying to say this is better than that yada.... because if we really had to compare, 'numbers' don't lie, it says everything without it being needed to be said..![]()
LMAO... so BB is only noob friendly and that's what makes it so good??... oh, come on now...![]()
To me Sapphire is more noob friendly since it gives so many tweakable settings in a noob-friendly UI...... :icon_ banana:
J/K... I have much love for both... but I surely do not share the contempt towards Pete and his BB for not being built from source....lmao
LMAO... so BB is only noob friendly and that's what makes it so good??... oh, come on now...![]()
To me Sapphire is more noob friendly since it gives so many tweakable settings in a noob-friendly UI...... :icon_ banana:
J/K... I have much love for both... but I surely do not share the contempt towards Pete and his BB for not being built from source....lmao
I think you are mistaken about 'contempt towards Pete'. In fact Pete recent interview said he will be building from source in the future! He is learning what he needs to know to move forward building from source. Not hacking leaked or stock ROMS.![]()